A/V Systems Consultation
The Video Collaboration and Production (VCaP) team offers media consultation to any school, office, or department that is considering procurement of technology installations for its own offices and facilities. Through our extensive experience with instructional technology, video production, video-conferencing, and desktop multi-media applications, we are able to provide this service to the university community at no cost. |
Ally in Drexel Learn
Ally is a tool that allows faculty to see feedback about the accessibility of course content, as well as provide descriptions and instructions regarding issues and remediation, all within Drexel Learn. It also provides students with alternate formats for certain content types, like audio files for text-based documents. |
AnyConnect VPN
The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, used for off-campus access, establishes a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) between your computer/mobile device and the campus network. This connection grants access to restricted computing resources at Drexel, such as file servers, databases, Web sites, and privileged applications. |
Banner Administrative
Ellucian Banner is an integrated administrative suite of higher education software products. It is the Drexel University official system of record for student, financial aid, finance, and human resources information. |
BeyondTrust Remote Support
BeyondTrust Remote Support (formerly Bomgar) is used by University IT staff and other support teams to assist end users with technical issues directly on their computer. Using a secure connection, a representative can troubleshoot and resolve issues in real-time without having to physically visit an end user. |
Camtasia is an application that facilitates the capture, editing, and production of multimedia for online delivery, especially for content delivered in Drexel Learn. This software is available for Windows and MacOS computers. There are slight differences in the features available between the two platforms, but the core functionality and user interface are very similar. |
Collaborate Ultra is a synchronous, virtual classroom. Its features include the use of audio, video, chat, polling, interactive whiteboard, and content-sharing tools-all designed to make the online classroom experience as robust as possible. Every session may be recorded for future review/reuse.
Collaborate Ultra will no longer be available in Drexel Learn as of June 13, 2024. Faculty can use the new Zoom Course Meetings tool to integrate that web conferencing platform with their courses. |
CoM Titanium Counseling EMR
The College of Medicine Titanium instance is a basic electronic medical records system that is tailored to behavioral health service types. This application includes patient demographic registration, appointment scheduling, and patient level form completion. On the clinical side, free text and note templates are available for documentation. Titanium also offers electronic prescribing of controlled and non-controlled substances. |
Computer Accounts
Computer accounts are the key to electronic services at Drexel; virtually all resources require a current userID and password to access them. Drexel IT provides accounts for all University-wide resources to students, faculty, and professional staff. Other departments may issue accounts used to access their own services. Drexel accounts are organized into three main groups:Common, Add-On, and Administrative Accounts.
Computer Imaging
Computer imaging and re-imaging services are available to Drexel faculty and professional staff for their Drexel-provided machines. These services are not available to students or to personally-owned machines.
The Drexel IT image is a pre-formatted installer of the appropriate operating system, either Windows 10 or macOS. All computers part of the annual faculty refresh receive the Drexel image, with appropriate settings and applications, from Drexel IT before each computer is delivered to its recipient.
Faculty and professional staff may also request a re-image, or wipe and re-install, of the operating system for their Drexel-provided computers. |
Computer Repairs
The type of service and computer repairs performed will depend on the nature of the issue, whether or not the device is Drexel-owned or personally-owned, and whether or not the device is still under manufacturer's or extended warranty. |
CrashPlan Backup
CrashPlan is an automatic, tamper-proof backup solution designed to backup laptop and desktop data and allow business users to restore data from different points in time and from any computer. Drexel offers CrashPlan Pro Enterprise for institutionally-owned computers. |
CSS Avalon Laboratory Information System
Drexel Information Technology supports the application and vendor management of CSS Avalon Laboratory Information System (LIS) utilized by the Drexel Medicine Diagnostic Lab. Support levels include application configuration, compendium build, system upgrade testing, system troubleshooting, and management of interfaces. Uni and bi-directional interfaces transfer patient, order, and result information between databases. |
Digital Certificates
The Digital Certificates Management Process implemented by Information Security of Drexel IT centralizes the process of ordering SSL Certificates for all Drexel campuses. |
Domain Name Servers
Domain Name System (DNS) servers translate human readable host or domain names to numeric IP addresses. Drexel IT Networking manages domain name servers used by the university. At start-up time, most computers and devices connecting to the Drexel network receive their network configuration using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), which automatically provides the necessary DNS configuration for the Drexel Network, along with other information necessary to connect.
Computers and devices that are configured with statically assigned IP addresses, must be manually configured with domain name server addresses. |
Drexel Connect
Drexel Connect provides a convenient way to access multiple online services by authenticating once. Connect by using your Drexel account credentials. Once connected, you can access any Drexel Connect service, such as Computer Accounts Management, DrexelOne, Drexel Learn, and IT Self Service (Remedyforce Knowledge Base), without need to reenter your credentials. |
Drexel Learn
Drexel Learn is the University's fully-supported, cloud-based course management system. Integration with Banner keeps enrollments up to date. All Drexel course sections are created in Drexel Learn each term and are freely available for faculty to activate and use. |
Drexel Streams
Drexel Streams, also known as Kaltura, allows faculty and professional staff to upload videos that can stream both in and out of their courses in Drexel Learn. Although a video is only uploaded once, it can be linked in multiple courses, added in multiple locations within a single course, or shared directly with others. |
DrexelOne Mobile
DrexelOne Mobile is a free app that lets you access personal, academic, financial, and career information from mobile devices. Everyone can access Drexel campus maps, directories, local merchants and menus, shuttle bus information, Dragon athletics, and general campus news and events. |
DrexelOne Portal
The DrexelOne Portal is a one-stop shop for accessing personal, academic, financial, and career information. Access to other services requiring sign-in, such as the University Libraries, commuter links, DragonCard funds, and vendor discounted software also are provided within DrexelOne. |
Email Encryption
Emails containing sensitive information are automatically encrypted when sent to an email address on a server with lower security. Email encryption requires the recipient to use a one-time passcode, generated by Microsoft Office 365, to decrypt the message and access any included attachments. |
Endpoint Protection / Antivirus
Drexel distributes Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to protect University owned systems. For personal computers running Microsoft Windows, Drexel recommends Microsoft Defender Antivirus or Sophos Home. For personal computers running macOS, Drexel recommends Sophos Home.
Ensuring all computers that access Drexel resources have endpoint protection software, whether University or personally owned, helps protect the University as well as all who use University resources. |
Epic Garden Plot EMR
Epic Garden Plot is an electronic medical record (EMR) software application utilized by Drexel Medicine Clinical Practices. Epic Garden Plot EMR is required for all Providers, Staff, and rotating Fellows, Residents, and Medical Students in the Drexel Medicine Clinical Practices. This EMR offers tools for Practice Management, Clinical Documentation and Population Health, Patient Engagement, Reporting, and Research. Practice Management tools include scheduling, demographic storage, insurance coverage eligibility and billing. Clinical documentation consists of note writing, dictation, clinical decision support tools, population health management processes and outreach, order and result bi-directional interfaces, ePrescribing and Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS), and various communication tools to patients and other external medical providers/facilities. Drexel Medicine also has our own MyChart Patient Portal for our patients to view their Epic Garden Plot EMR contents and communicate with our physicians. Epic Garden Plot also offers robust self-reporting features and dashboards for viewing and interacting with EMR data. |
Florence eBinders
Florence eBinders provides automated compliance, remote monitoring and site wide visibility with global dashboards to help us tackle study tasks more efficiently and accelerate study start-up. Florence eBinders advances clinical research through Part 11-compliant purpose-built software. This is a validated 21 CFR Part 11 and HIPAA compliant service that manages both regulatory and source documents. |
Full Disk Encryption
Drexel manages Microsoft BitLocker on Windows devices and Apple FileVault on macOS to encrypt all internal disk drives. Full disk encryption protects the contents of laptops, desktops, and tablet PCs by preventing the data stored on the computer from being accessed if it is lost or stolen, protecting personal and University data. |
Galen Vital Center Online (VCO)
Galen Vital Center Online (VCO) housesarchived Drexel clinical and patient accounting medical records from previously utilized clinical applications at Drexel University Physician Practices, Hahnemann Outpatient practices, and Drexel practices that were in a contracted agreement with Tower Health System.
Data ranging from 2007 - March 2020 exists for the following sources: Allscripts Touchworks EMR, APEasy Pathology records, ASOBGYN reports and images, Misys Hematology Oncology charts, Urogynecology UroChart application, and AthenaIDX Practice Management Data. Epic Tower Health data is available from April 1st, 2020 – August 8th, 2022. |
Graphics Lab
The Graphics Lab, part of Instructional Media Services (IMS), provides large format printing and mounting. |
Hyperion is an Advanced Reporting Tool used by various administrative offices for data query and analysis, enterprise reporting, and global information delivery to drive business performance. It provides insight into key Enterprise modules across all parts of the University, including admissions, students, financial aid, SCDC/Co-op, finance, HR, payroll, procurement, and research. |
Instructional Media Services (IMS)
Instructional Media Services is the Audio/Visual and Graphics service department for Drexel University. IMS maintains media equipment in classrooms, trains faculty in the use of media-equipped classrooms, and creates instructional materials. |
Drexel, in partnership with the Three Rivers Optical Exchange (3ROX) of Carnegie Mellon University, provides access to Internet2, a revolutionary-class IP and optical network, created by, led by, and designed for the U.S. research and education community.
Internet2's superior connectivity allows for the transfer of massively large data sets, communications using high-definition, real-time multimedia data streams, and other advanced networking technologies that could not be sustained over the commodity Internet. |
IT Help Desk
The IT Help Desk provides centralized technical support to departments and colleges across the entirety of Drexel University. Drexel IT now also includes College of Medicine IT and Instructional Media Services (IMS).
Help Desks are located at the Tech Lounge on the Square (3208 Chestnut Street) and New College Building (245 N. 15th Street, Room 1113). |
Mass Email
Mass email is one of Drexel's primary means of communication. Faculty, professional staff, and student organizations may utilize mass email to communicate with small groups or University-wide—all through one email address instead of many. Drexel IT can either send mass emails through centrally-maintained, automatically-updated lists in ListServ, or create lists for management and use by the Drexel community. |
Media:Scape Tables
Up to six laptops can be connected to the table via VGA ports, and up to two laptop screens can be viewed simultaneously on the table's 40-inch flat panel displays.
This collaborative setup is perfect for group work, projects, co-authored presentations or papers, and similar activities. Groups can discuss, critique, and modify Web sites, graphics, photographs, etc. together. |
Microsoft Office 365
Office 365 is the newest version of the Microsoft Office suite, and contains all of the suites' familiar apps and most-used functions. Office 365 apps are integrated with other Microsoft cloud services, such as SharePoint and OneDrive, and can be accessed directly in those services. Office 365 is available to all students, faculty, and professional staff.
Office 365 Apps:
Microsoft SharePoint SharePoint Online is a platform for creating websites in Microsoft 365. SharePoint Sites store documents and other types of content using Libraries and Lists. When you want share information within your department (e.g.: an intranet) or with larger audiences, such as all faculty, staff or students, a SharePoint Communication Site is an excellent choice. Management of the Site is delegated to one or more individuals within the department for which it’s created, making it easy to directly control permissions and access as needed.
SharePoint also serves as the storage service behind Microsoft Teams. For each Team, a SharePoint Team Site is created to give the Team a place to collaborate on documents and content. These Team Sites are automatically accessible only to members of the Team, so they can work together easily and securely. |
Multifactor Authentication
To provide a higher level of security for the accounts holding our personal information, Drexel uses multifactor authentication (MFA). The first factor is something you know: your account password. The second factor is something you have: a phone or phone number that's associated with you. This is the approach required by many financial institutions.
With MFA for Office 365, you can use an app notification on your smart phone, a phone call, or text message, after correctly entering your Drexel password. |
Network Time Service
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) service allows devices on the Drexel network to set and synchronize their real-time clock with a high degree of accuracy. |
Office 365 Email
Drexel is transitioning email to Office 365, which offers better web and mobile device support, calendar and contact integration, 50 GB for storage, and improved email security. Matriculated students and all paid faculty and professional staff are provided with email service through Microsoft Office 365. |
OneDrive is the only approved solution for security- and privacy-validated cloud storage, file creation, and file sharing at Drexel. In OneDrive, students, faculty, and professional staff can store, sync, and share any type of file with colleagues, or through their courses. |
Photo Class List
Photo Class List allows instructors to review class rosters, print student names and photos for attendance, and quickly email their class—either through a "quick email" form (no attachments), or a ListServ list that uses one email address instead of many and provides the confidentiality of a BCC. Class rosters and email lists are automatically updated on a term-by-term basis. |
Qualtrics is a robust, easy-to-use online survey solution, and is available at no cost to all faculty and staff at Drexel (and students who receive authorization from a faculty or staff member). Collaborate with other Drexel Qualtrics users to work together on a survey. |
Remedyforce Support & Self-Help System
Remedyforce is a powerful, flexible service management system with numerous tools and possible configurations to streamline support at Drexel. Users can sign into the Web Interface to submit and manage help requests (also sometimes called "tickets," "incidents," or "service requests") or search the knowledge base for the answers to their questions. Support personnel can organize and answer help requests and generate statistical reports as needed. |
Researchers Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)
REDCap is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded, Vanderbilt developed 21 CFR Part 11 compliant web-based application developed to allow researchers to securely store data entered via data entry personnel or through online public-or-private surveys. REDCap has applications for iOS and Android that allow offline data capture in the field, ideal for collection in poor network areas. Drexel has developed applications that interface with REDCap for a variety of purposes, including supplementing collected information, interfacing with third parties (e.g., Acuity and Calendly scheduling websites, electronic health records, and Drexel Medicine Diagnostics).
As of this writing, REDCap is used by over 6,800 institutions in 155 countries, nearly two million projects by nearly 3 million users, and has been cited in almost 35,000 documents. |
ResNet (residence hall wired network) provides high-speed wired Internet service to all students living in University residence halls and select Greek housing. Phone and streaming TV services are also delivered over ResNet. |
Respondus 4.0 is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Learn and other eLearning systems. Users build test questions and exams in an easy-to-use interface on their computer. These exams can then be published to multiple sections in Blackboard Learn or printed for in-class delivery. |
Self Service for macOS
The Self Service for macOS tool improves application and system setup and automates software maintenance for Drexel-owned Macs. Self Service for macOS provides users with an easy way to get and install pre-configured, Drexel-licensed software; lets Drexel IT support teams remotely repair and update malfunctioning software; and reduces the need for in-person support appointments.
This service is only available to Drexel-owned and managed macOS computers and devices. |
Sensitive Information File Server
The Sensitive Information File Server (sometimes referred to as "encrypted network drive," or "encrypted shared drive") can be used by groups to store and collaborate on active folders and files that contain sensitive data. Additional protections are in place on the Sensitive Information File Server to prevent unintentional sharing of sensitive data. |
Software Center for Windows
Through the Software Center application for Drexel-owned PCs, faculty and professional staff can download necessary software and receive software and security updates from Drexel IT. Software Center is deployed to freshly imaged and reimaged Windows machines.
This service is only available to Drexel-owned and managed PCs. |
Software Downloads
Drexel students, faculty, and professional staff have access to a variety of software at no cost or discounted prices.
Note: On September 9, 2024, software.drexel.edu will be retired. You can now download software licensed by Drexel for personal devices from our OnTheHub web store at no cost or discounted prices. To learn more, please see our OnTheHub Tech Alert.
Spam Blocking & Filtering
The first line of defense against spam is a set of remote blocking lists that are maintained by various spam-fighting organizations.
Spam that is not blocked based on its source then hits our second line of defense, the Office 365 spam filter system, which compares each email message to a long list of possible spam indicators in both the email headers and the contents. The more that match, the higher the probability it's spam. |
Tablet & Mobile Encryption
Drexel has established security standards for mobile devices that synchronize information with University services to ensure safe storage and handling.
Drexel and the College of Medicine operate Exchange email servers that require extra settings for mobile device security. Most devices will prompt you to accept new settings (see below). If you do not accept the changes, your device will stop synchronizing with the server. |
Tech Lounge on the Square
The Tech Lounge provides a central spot for students, faculty, and professional staff to use their own or our computers, gather and work together, print documents and request help with technology needs. Connect to DragonFly3, print documents, collaborate on projects at the Media:Scape table (seats 6), or request help from on-site Help Desk personnel. |
Technology Sandbox
The Technology Sandbox provides faculty, professional staff, and students access to technologies that might be cutting edge, beta, or at least worthy of review but are not formally supported under Drexel University Information Technology's enterprise solution umbrella. |
Telephone Service
Drexel provides optional phone service and voicemail to students in residence halls if requested. Faculty and staff are provided office phones and access to many features including voicemail and conference calling. |
TriNetX Cosmos
Drexel utilizes Data Repository Tools (TriNetX and Cosmos) to access HIPAA-defined limited data sets for research purposes. TriNetX eases cohort building with de-identified Drexel data and access to networked patient records. Cosmos provides access to millions of de-identified data records across participating Epic Electronic Medical Record (EMR) organizations, including Drexel.
Integrating sophistication with user-friendly features, the TriNetX Query Builder empowers researchers to effortlessly create precise cohorts. Navigate through their extensive term library to search and select the necessary codes and clinical concepts. Apply temporal logic, exclusions, and qualifications as needed. Set specific ranges, whether for patient ages or lab values, and filter by data source or country. With TriNetX, if you can describe it, you can create a query to retrieve de-identified patients matching your criteria within seconds. De-identified patients can be identified by IT upon IRB approval.
Cosmos combines billions of clinical data points in a way that forms a high quality, representative, and integrated data set that can be used to accomplish research goals and find rapid insights. It’s a research refinement tool where you can explore hunches, compare established assumptions with the large dataset in SlicerDicer, and gather additional or supporting context to the research you may already be conducting. |
Turnitin checks students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism. Files submitted to a Turnitin assignment dropbox are compared to an ever-growing database of Web pages, newspapers, journals, books, and other students' papers. |
University File Server
The Drexel University File Server (sometimes referred to as a "network drive" or a "shared drive") can be used by groups to store folders and files they are actively working on in a collaborative environment. Shared folders and files are updated real-time in the file server, which thus provides space for colleagues to easily swap and modify files. |
VCaP Team
The Video Collaboration & Production (VCaP) team offers a variety of video services designed to provide you with the latest video and data collaboration technology and support. With services such as video production and streaming, they make presentations viewable to more people, lectures available to more students, and information instantly accessible to a Web-wide audience. Their video-conferencing service transcends borders and allows users at multiple locations to meet in virtual conference rooms. |
VoiceThread is a cloud application that allows users to create presentations, add audio and/or video narration, and allow others to comment on them. It requires an up-to-date browser and Adobe Flash to run. |
Web*Finance, part of the Web*Financials suite, is a tool to manage and track financial transactions within an organization. Drexel IT provides support for the technical side. |
Wired Network Jack
Most Drexel University offices, classrooms, laboratories, and public spaces have at least one wired network station supporting active network jacks. |
Wireless Networks
DragonFly3 is the University's preferred wireless network. It offers the highest bandwidth and security, fewer restrictions, and relief from competing radio interference.
Devices that do not support WPA2 and 8021.X user name authentication, including many Wi-Fi game consoles and some cell phones, should connect to the DragonFly Wireless Network.
Visitors and guests to the Drexel campus should use the wireless Drexel Guest Network for basic Web browsing. It is limited to services that are publicly available. |
Workshops & Training
The Instructional Technology Group conducts training sessions on Learn, Camtasia, Drexel Streams (Kaltura), Web basics, Mac OS X, SharePoint, and more. In addition, several brown bag lunches and workshops on technology products of interest are held each month. These training sessions are open to members of Drexel's community. |
XFINITY On Campus™
XFINITY On Campus™ is Comcast's innovative service that allows residence hall students to view live high-definition television and thousands of On Demand shows and movies on their computers (Mac and Windows) and mobile devices (iOS and Android) when connected anywhere on the campus wired or wireless network. |
Drexel provides a University-wide license for Zoom, the meeting and collaboration solution offering audio and video conferencing on any device.
The Zoom meeting service is available to students, faculty, and professional staff. The Zoom meeting service is tied to DrexelConnect so that users can sign in with their existing Drexel userID and password rather than having to remember a special password that's just for Zoom. |