Academic Policies, Procedures and Guidelines


The academic policies, procedures and guidelines listed on this website, in addition to those listed on the Provost's Academic Policies page, which may be applicable to all Drexel students, make up a digital graduate student handbook. These policies are upheld and overseen by the Graduate College under the Office of the Provost and apply to all graduate students enrolled in quarter programs.

The Graduate College's Academic Administration Processes guide (requires Drexel login via Microsoft Offie 365), published January 2023, outlines the detailed processes that go along with the graduate academic policies listed both on this website and on the Provost's website.

Please note that individual programs may have additional policies, procedures and requirements. Please check with your program advisor.

Students in the Thomas R. Kline School of Law and the College of Medicine are subject to the policies, procedures, guidelines, rules, regulations and requirements set forth in their program’s respective student handbooks and not those of the Graduate College.

Drexel University reserves the right to change, without notice, any statement contained on this site concerning academic policies and procedures. Failure to read this information does not excuse a student from knowing and complying with its content. In addition, this website should not act as a substitute for frequent meetings between the student and the graduate academic advisor, supervising professor and/or appropriate graduate advisory committee.

Students are bound by the policies and requirements listed at the time that they matriculate into a graduate program. Readmitted students are bound by the policies and requirements in place at the time of readmission, unless an exception has been granted by the respective program and the Graduate College.

Please see the Provost's Academic Policies page for additional policies, which may be applicable to all Drexel students.

Please also see Graduate Student Resources for additional resources and guidelines.

Additional policies are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, including the Academic Integrity policy and conduct process. All students MUST be aware of and knowledgeable of these policies and procedures. Please review frequently for updates.

International students (F-1 and J-1) should refer to the latest updates, policies and information on the International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) website.