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Graduate Student Association

GSA Logo

About the Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is both the governing body and planning board primarily for graduate students enrolled in face-to-face quarter programs, in addition to the recognized graduate student organizations registered with Campus Engagement within Student Life. The GSA also advocates for and serves all graduate students across the University, including online and semester programs, collaborating with the Graduate College and campus partners to enhance the graduate student experience.

The Executive Board Members of the GSA are nominated and elected by graduate students annually in the spring and serve from July 1 - June 30 (fiscal year). In collaboration with the Graduate College, Campus Engagement within Student Life, and various academic and student services units, the GSA and recognized graduate student organizations host hundreds of programs and events to meet the many interests of the graduate student population at Drexel and bring together students, postdocs, alumni, faculty and professional staff across academic disciplines and organizations. From research symposiums, academic panels, interdisciplinary workshops, and writing boot camps, to ski trips, white water rafting, intramural sports and happy hours, there is something for everyone in our vibrant Drexel graduate student community.

Executive Board Members of the GSA 2024-2025

For general inquiries, please contact the GSA E-Board at


  • Serve as a liaison between the graduate student community, Student Life, the Graduate College and University leadership.
  • Outreach to the graduate student community to better understand their needs and advocate for them.
  • Integrate a medium of communications to encourage graduate students to express their concerns, opinions, and suggestions in an accessible way.
  • Increase engagement within the graduate student community and build connectedness through communications (newsletters, social media) and events (face-to-face and online), including personal, professional, academic, cultural, and social.
  • Collaborate with the IGSA, USGA, and other student organizations to enhance student life at Drexel.
  • Expand the GSA by getting more graduate students actively involved in committees/senate.
  • Create a culture of service and give back to the greater Philadelphia community.
  • Ensure justice, diversity, equity and inclusion in all GSA events, activities and business.
 Role Name, Program & Bio  Photo


Ash Karale

PhD Program in Physics
College of Arts and Sciences

As the President, Ash brings a clear vision to lead GSA toward success by primarily addressing the wants and needs of the graduate student population. His robust background in science and engineering, enriched by a dynamic experience at Drexel, equips him with an analytical perspective essential for streamlining operations and meeting the diverse needs of the graduate community. Committed to effective communication, Ash motivates and leads his team with a strong morale. He actively advocates for student needs and continuously seeks innovative ways to support and advance the community’s interests.

Headshot of Ash Karale
Executive Vice President

Anil Kumar Karapa

Master's Program in Cybersecurity
College of Engineering

An introvert but a warm and engaging friend once you get to know me! I am Anil Kumar, an aspiring graduate Cybersecurity student, full-stack developer, and entrepreneur ready to serve as Executive Vice President for the GSA and our graduate community. In this role, I will make sure to bring in engaging prospects for my fellow dragons with fun and exciting events. To my GSA members, I will carry the team spirit and be there at all times. Alongside these and many more, I love learning new and challenging things, writing code and content, and venturing out to explore new places.

Anil Kumar Karapa
Vice President of Communications

Abhijnan Prakash

Master's Program in Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering

My goal is to enhance connectivity and information flow, fostering a supportive and vibrant environment for all students. I plan to provide regular, transparent updates on GSA activities to keep you informed and engaged, enhance our digital presence with a user-friendly website and dynamic social media interactions, establish interactive forums and feedback mechanisms, empowering your voice in shaping GSA initiatives and policies, and organize professional development workshops and networking events tailored to graduate students' needs, focusing on career and academic success. I am committed to creating a dynamic and inclusive environment where every student feels connected and empowered. Together, let’s enhance our graduate experience at Drexel!

Abhijnan Prakash Headshot
Communications Chair

Sanjoli Sogani

Master's Program in Data Science
College of Computing and Informatics

My vision is to build a powerful communication engine to unite and empower our dispersed graduate community. Through dynamic platforms like a weekly newsletter, interactive website, and social media channels, I will ensure a continuous flow of information. However, transparency requires more than one-way updates. I will host open forums for you to directly engage university leadership about your concerns. With my data analysis background and leadership experience, I can synthesize our collective needs into clear objectives and metrics-driven accountability. You can trust that I will tenaciously advocate for greater transparency around funding, policies, and resources that shape our graduate experience.
I believe I am an influential voice who can champion our interests. My unwavering commitment is to facilitate open communication that drives positive, lasting reforms to uplift every graduate student. The time for change is now.

Sonjoli Sogani Headshot
Communications Chair

Aman Ostwal

Master's Program in Data Science
College of Computing and Informatics

My path blends academic severity with a passion for concise, impactful communication, a synergy I intend to bring to the Communications Chair role. My software engineering background has honed a precision in a presentation that I'm eager to apply, ensuring graduate student voices are effectively represented and their accomplishments showcased accessibly. My experience is enriched by collaborative ventures across varied cultures, reinforcing my dedication to inclusivity within our scholastic community. As Communications Chair, I will harness not only my technical prowess but also a keen empathetic ear, to narrate our collective story with authenticity and enthusiasm.
I am enthusiastic about channeling my vitality and expertise into the Graduate Student Association. I aspire to bolster our shared journey with proactive and innovative communication initiatives, thus enriching our communal academic and social environment.

Aman Ostwal Headshot
Vice President of Finance

Kabirat Mayegun

Master's Program in Accounting and Data Analytics
LeBow College of Business

I am eager to contribute my skills and experience to serve our graduate student community effectively. With a strong background and experience in finance and a dedication to serving our graduate community, I am committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, Collaboration, and strategic financial management. If selected, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to support the financial well-being of our organization and enhance the experience of our graduate students.

Kabirat Mayegun Headshot
Finance Chair

Anirudh Shivaram

Master's Program in Business Analytics
LeBow College of Business

The finance chairperson roles requires someone to be active with his financial duties such as budget allocation and handling the ticket portal. I believe I am well-versed with the portal and have good understanding of the budget that should be allocated for the fiscal year. Also given my professional experience of working in a finance role, I can come up with good ideas on how to allocate our funds effectively. Hoping for another eventful quarter with lots of collaboration and fun.

Anirudh Shivaram Headshot
Finance Chair

Siddhant Shrivastav

Master's Program in Accounting
LeBow College of Business

I am a dedicated graduate student who brings exceptional team-building skills to the table. I have a collaborative approach that fosters cohesion among diverse stakeholders, ensuring effective financial management within the GSA. As Chair of Finance, I will be pivotal in overseeing budget allocations, financial transactions, and strategic planning. I am committed to enhancing the graduate student experience through prudent financial decisions.

Siddhant Shrivastav Headshot
Vice President of Student Governance

Jilu James

Master's Program in Information Systems
College of Computing and Informatics

As a Master's student in Information Systems, I'm all about navigating complex systems and finding innovative solutions. Beyond the admin stuff, I'm a nature enthusiast who loves nothing more than hitting the trails for a good hike or trekking adventure. When I'm not outdoors, you can find me curled up with a good book or indulging in the latest binge-worthy TV shows, always on the lookout for captivating storytelling and compelling characters. At GSA, my goal is simple: to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. I'm excited to contribute to our shared goals and make a positive impact on our community. Let's make great things happen together!

Jilu James Headshot
Student Governance Chair

Ryan Dalsemer

Master's Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business

Attending Drexel’s MBA program and working as your Student Governance Chair are both tasks that I will pursue with enthusiasm and dedication. To me, this opportunity to be a part of student governance represents a chance to make positive contributions to our Grad Student community. From advocating for student needs to organizing student events, my goal is to become a reliable, excellent, and compassionate team member for Drexel’s Graduate Student government. I see this position as a chance to foster collaboration and comradery among our peers. In short, my vying for the Student Governance Chair role is mainly driven by a personal goal to contribute beneficially to our shared Grad School experience. I am committed to approaching this role with diligence and a genuine desire to represent our student body. Thank you all for this opportunity.

Ryan Dalsemer
Student Governance Chair

Adesewa Adesida

Master's Program in Information Systems
College of Computing and Informatics

As a Student Life Chair, I would aim to get Drexel Students what they need to adjust easily to the state of Philadelphia and Drexel University after doing it myself in both Undergraduate and Now Graduate School. I understand the need for community especially in a City School like Drexel that is still a beginner in fostering school spirit. During my tenure you can expect a lot of exciting events planned with even better taste. As a Student Governance Chair, I would be an efficient liaison for student leaders and fellow students. In my previous college I served as the Vice President for Student Government which was similar to this role. During my tenure, I got my school involved with major organizations like MLH, I also worked with a team to help get more state grants for our school. In this role, I hope to leave everything better than I found it.

Adesewa Adesida Headshot
Vice President of Student Life

Georgina George

Master's Program in Information Systems
College of Computing and Informatics

As your current Student Life Chair, I've found my passion in organizing and orchestrating events that bring our community together. With a background in Information Systems and valuable experience as a Software Engineer, I bring a blend of technical skills and organizational prowess to the table. When I'm not immersed in my studies or planning events, you'll often find me exploring new places with friends or engaging in meaningful conversations with fellow students. I'm eager to leverage my experience and enthusiasm to continue creating memorable experiences for our community and advocating for student concerns. Let's work together to make our time at Drexel truly unforgettable!

Georgina George Headshot
Student Life Chair

Sinduja B

Master's Program in Interior Architecture
Westphal College of Media Arts and Design

As a current graduate student in interior architecture, along with a background in both bachelor's degree in design and MBA degrees from India, I bring a diverse set of skills and experiences that align perfectly with the responsibilities of this role. I have actively organized numerous events and initiatives, particularly during my MBA, where I had the opportunity to organize various events and activities. Notably, I founded and managed a successful startup in the interior design industry for the past four years, overseeing a team of nine skilled professionals and coordinating the efforts of 20 laborers. This experience honed my abilities in leadership, and teamwork. My vision for the Student Life Chair role is grounded in fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus environment. I am dedicated to enhancing student engagement through creative events, community-building activities, and meaningful collaborations. My previous experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills to effectively plan, execute, and evaluate events that cater to the diverse interests and needs of our student body.

Sinduja B Headshot
Student Life Chair

Rohit Nadimpalli

Master's Program in Information Science
College of Computing and Informatics

After earning a degree in computing science, I spent three great years working in vendor relations and project management. This experience gave me both strong technical and management skills and a love for being creative. A highlight of my undergraduate tenure was serving as the president of our social club, where I spearheaded over 200 events, each crafted with meticulous care and attention to detail. This experience not only honed my leadership skills but also allowed me to explore diverse avenues like photography, design, event management, and even app development. I'm eager to extend my journey as a graduate student and would be deeply honored to serve in any capacity within the graduate student association, pouring my heart and soul into making a positive impact.

Rohit Nadimpalli Headshot
Vice President of Academic Affairs

Manish Bhatia

Master's Program in Business Analytics
LeBow College of Business

It's been an honor serving as your Vice President of Academic Affairs for the past few months, and I am thrilled to continue representing your interests and advocating for our academic community. In my tenure, I've worked tirelessly to address your concerns, foster collaboration with faculty, and enhance the overall academic experience for all graduate students. Building on our progress, I am committed to further initiatives that promote academic excellence, support student success, and amplify your voices within the university. With your continued support, I am confident that we can achieve even greater strides in advancing our academic goals and aspirations. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve you, and I humbly ask for your vote to continue our journey together. Together, let's shape a brighter future for our academic community.

Manish Bhatia Headshot

Academic Chair

Necla Ece Yilmaz

Master's Program in Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences

As an international graduate student also familiar with the issues often invisible to those who don’t go through the same processes, I am very eager to become a part of the bridge between graduate students and school administration that is GSA. Over the years, I have participated in many collaborative projects and held various leadership roles ranging from co-organizing awarded environmental projects to being the project director of research funded by the national research institute in my home country, Turkey. Driven by both academic pursuits and a commitment to social engagement, I hope to contribute to the GSA in their endeavor to alleviate some of the stress associated with graduate studies and create a more supportive environment for everyone involved. I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside you all and organize the exciting events ahead!

Necla Ece Yilmaz
Academic Chair

Lauren Wilhelm

Master's Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business

Lauren is a dedicated professional with a strong academic background and a passion for continuous learning. She holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science and is currently pursuing her MBA with a concentration in Economics. With over a decade of experience in the corporate retirement sector, Lauren has honed her expertise in relationship management and strategic planning. In addition to her professional achievements, Lauren is also a former student leader, having served in student government as both a senator and parliamentarian during her undergraduate years. Her commitment to academic excellence has been recognized through various accolades and achievements, including being awarded the title of Political Science Senior of the Year. Driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to the graduate student experience, Lauren is excited to engage and collaborate within the vibrant Drexel University community.

Lauren Wilhelm
Alumni Board Member

Cimi Patani

MS '24 in Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering

Cimi Patel Headshot

More Information

For a list of recognized graduate student organizations, click here.

For information about the International Graduate Student Association (IGSA), visit the International Students page.

For information about the College of Medicine and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies Graduate Student Associations, visit their website.

For a complete list of Drexel's student organizations, visit DragonLink.

For questions or more information about student organizations, visit the Student Life website or contact Student Life.

Cimi Patani

Master's Program in Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering

"Hey there, my fellow Dragons! Thanks to our fantastic events, I've always thought of the Graduate Student Association as a treasure chest full of new friends. We're all more than faces in a crowd, and I love discovering the unique, 'movie-worthy' stories each of you carries. You'll often find me embarking on spirited adventures down the rabbit holes of the vast Internet, discovering intriguing tidbits and exploring the expansive universe of knowledge. With my natural organizing skills and strategic mindset, a busy to-do list is my idea for a great day. I am thrilled to meet, listen, learn, and contribute to our amazing GSA community. By the way, have you ever wondered how dragons blow out candles!?"