We encourage you to learn more about global health opportunities through previous student experiences. These students' firsthand accounts of their experiences will provide added insight when planning your trip. You'll learn what you can expect while you're abroad and the new perspective you'll receive upon your return.
For any questions about previous global health efforts, please contact the director of global health education, Dr. Varjavand at nv25@drexel.edu.
In order to raise global health awareness at Drexel, we hope that you'll share your experience by sending us reflections of your learning to post online for others. Include pictures or videos for which you have obtained consent to share.
"My experience in Cameroon was enlightening in many regards. My background is in global health and first year at Drexel only strengthened my desire to work on the ground delivering medical care in an international setting. During first year, we learned of the role of G6PD in malaria and the mechanisms of HIV transcription, but to actively be involved in the care of a child suffering from malaria or treating a young man with HIV really illuminated the importance of the fundamentals from first year. I was able to put a face to diseases and that elevated the importance of this material for me."
Laura Pasternack (Summer 2014)