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Faculty in the News

January 2025

January 28, 2025: Sarah Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an episode of the Tradeoffs podcast about how Robert F. Kennedy Jr., if confirmed as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, could influence the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The committee is tasked with making vaccine recommendations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

January 16, 2025: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a professor and academic chair in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a WESA-FM story about takeaways from the first meeting of Allegheny County’s new Board of Health.

January 13, 2025: Nancy Spector, MD, executive director of the Executive Leadership and Academic Medicine and Executive Leadership in Health Care programs and executive director of the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Healio article about the steady expansion of women physicians in gastroenterology and medicine, while data have shown that marked disparities in pay policies, career advancement and leadership continue to widen the gap in representation and gender equity among active physicians.

January 9, 2025: Benny Weksler, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Pittsburgh-Post Gazette article about health risks linked to radon gas exposure in Pennsylvania.

January 4, 2025: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a professor and academic chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about new data suggesting that structural sexism may contribute to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

December 2024

December 29, 2024: Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, a professor and chair in the College of Medicine, was featured in a HuffPost story about ways to protect hearing.

December 23, 2024: “Holiday season can amplify mental health issues, stress for those experiencing challenges”

December 18, 2024: “Voice Doctor to the Stars: Meet Bala Cynwyd’s Robert Sataloff” Main Line Today

December 17, 2024: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, academic chair in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about new members named to the Allegheny County, PA, air quality fee increases.

December 17, 2024: Erol Veznedaroglu, MD, a chair in the College of Medicine, was interviewed in a WTXF-TV (FOX-29) "Good Day Philadelphia" segment looking at ASMR and how many people can experience its benefits.

December 10, 2024: Asif M. Ilyas, MD, an academic vice chair in the College of Medicine, was interviewed for a WPHL-TV (PHL-17) segment about the dangers of xylazine, also known as tranq, and its role in the ongoing opioid crisis.

December 8, 2024: Nestor D. Tomycz, MD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an IEEE Spectrum article about deep brain stimulation’s ability to help people walk after spinal injury.

November 2024

November 15, 2024: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, an academic chair in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about making the list of Allegheny County's new Board of Health nominees.

October 2024

October 25, 2024: Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor, in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an article about research with David Bennett, PhD, a professor in the College of Medicine, that linked screen time in toddlers with later development of atypical sensory behaviors.

October 22, 2024: A Sept. 3 USA Today network article about new data which found that one in five Pennsylvania youth say they've worried about food running out at home, that quoted Annette Gadegbeku, MD, an associate professor and chief of Community Health in the College of Medicine, ran Oct. 22 in the Erie-Times News.

October 13, 2024: Data from researchers at the College of Medicine on the prevalence of caffeine dependence was mentioned in a Daily Record article that offered tips on how to combat caffeine dependence.

October 11, 2024: Drexel was mentioned in a Reading Eagle story about how Pennsylvania universities fared in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. The piece was republished in Yahoo! News.

October 8, 2024: Leon McCrea II, MD, the Deborah J. Tuttle, MD and John P. Piper, MD vice dean for educational affairs in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Philly Voice article about policy changes needed to address health inequities that were discussed during a recent IBX forum.

October 7, 2024: Asif Ilyas, MD, associate dean of clinical research at the College of Medicine, wrote a Penn Live article on the threat of xylazine in the illicit drug supply, particularly when mixed with fentanyl.

October 2024: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, MEd, MPPM, professor and academic chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, recently participated in the filming of “The Ebony Canal,” a documentary about the crisis of infant mortality, particularly in Black and other communities of color. Information about the film, which was narrated by Viola Davis and directed by Emmy Award winner Emmai Alaquiva, is available at

September 2024

September 29, 2024: Recent research showing hormone therapy significantly reduces insulin resistance in healthy postmenopausal women led by Xuezhi Daniel Jiang, MD, PhD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a Medical News Today article about the effects of hormone replacement therapy on menopausal women's cardiovascular health and insulin resistance.

September 20 & 22, 2024: A HuffPost article about ways to protect hearing that quoted Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, a professor and chair in the College of Medicine, was republished by BuzzFeed. Excerpts from the article were used in a New York Post article.

September 17, 2024: Research from Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor, and David Bennett, PhD, a professor, both in the College of Medicine, that linked screen time in toddlers with later development of atypical sensory behaviors, was mentioned in a New York Post story about new research that shows parents’ screen time can impact the child’s mental health.

September 16, 2024: Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, a professor and chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a HuffPost article about ways to prevent hearing loss.

September 12, 2024: Erum Ilyas, MD, interim academic chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an Everyday Health article about when and how to launder jeans to help them last while still eliminating germs and grime.

September 3 & 5, 2024: Research from Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor, and David Bennett, PhD, a professor, both in the College of Medicine, that linked screen time in toddlers with later development of atypical sensory behaviors, was mentioned in articles by and by Parent Herald.

September 3, 2024: A USA Today network article that quoted Annette Gadegbeku, MD, an associate professor and chief of Community Health in the College of Medicine, about new data which found that one in five Pennsylvania youth say they've worried about food running out at home, was published by Ellwood City Ledger.

September 2, 2024: Research from Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor, and David Bennett, PhD, a professor, both in the College of Medicine, that linked screen time in toddlers with later development of atypical sensory behaviors, was mentioned in a New York Post article.

September 3, 2024: Annette Gadegbeku, MD, an associate professor and chief of Community Health in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an USA Today network article about new data which found that one in five Pennsylvania youth say they've worried about food running out at home.

September 1, 2024: Shahzad Ahmed, MD, an assistant professor in the College of Medicine, wrote a Philly Voice story about how to identifying and manage coronary artery disease.

August 2024

August 30, 2024: Erum N. Ilyas, MD, interim academic chair, and Willow Pastard, a medical student, both at the College of Medicine, wrote a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette opinion article that advocated for changes to sunscreen to offer more inclusive options for all skin types and needs.

August 26, 2024: Janet Fitzpatrick, MD, a clinical associate professor in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in an Aug. 26 Physician’s Weekly post about a study from College of Medicine and Dornsife School of Public Health researchers about an association between extreme temperatures and rates of missed primary care appointments.

August 16, 2024: Itzhak Fischer, PhD, and Peter Baas, PhD, professors in the College of Medicine, were quoted in an article in The Transmitter about how “Big tau” may explain why some brain regions, such as the cerebellum and brainstem, are largely spared from neurodegeneration, even though tau is expressed throughout the nervous system.

August 15, 2024: Esther Chernak, MD, a clinical professor in the School of Public Health and College of Medicine, was quoted in a WHYY story and radio segment about cases of dengue fever in Philadelphia among travelers, as outbreaks grow outside the United States.

August 7, 2024: Stephen Stache Jr., MD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Woman’s World article about how to heal hip bursitis quickly with home treatment and exercises.

August 2 & 4, 2024: Janet H. Fitzpatrick, MD, a clinical associate professor, and Adrienne Willard, MD, an associate professor, both in the College of Medicine, were quoted in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about a Drexel study on the association between climate change and missed doctor appointments. A July 22 HealthDay News story on the study ran in Infectious Disease Advisor.

Dr. Larkins-Pettigrew is a featured expert in the documentary, "The Ebony Canal," narrated by Viola Davis and directed by Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Emmai Alaquiva. This powerful film dives deep into the heartbreaking reality of infant mortality within the Black community and uncovers the historical and systemic factors contributing to this crisis, while celebrating the resilience of Black mothers and exploring solutions for a brighter future.

July 2024

July 29, 2024: Barbara Schindler, MD, a professor and medical director of The Caring Together program at the College of Medicine, was interviewed in a CBS Evening News segment about a camp for kids whose parents are facing addiction.

July 22 & 24, 2024: A study on the association between climate change and missed doctor appointments, conducted by researchers at the College of Medicine and the Dornsife School of Public Health, was featured in an article in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News and by

July 22, 2024: Research from Mauricio Reginato, PhD, a professor and chair, and assistant professor Alexej Dick, PhD, both in the College of Medicine, and colleagues, have identified new molecules that show early success in shrinking breast cancer tumors that have metastasized in the brain, an Inside Precision Medicine article reported.

July 18, 2024: Asif Ilyas, MD, associate dean of clinical research at the College of Medicine, was quoted in a MyChesCo article about new data showing a growing trend among patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain turning to medical cannabis for relief.

July 18, 2024: Asif Ilyas, MD, associate dean of clinical research at the College of Medicine, was quoted in a MyChesCo article about a new study finding that a brief 5-minute preoperative video can slash opioid consumption by 30% in the week following knee replacement surgery.

July 15, 2024: Research from Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor, and David Bennett, PhD, a professor, both in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a New York Post article about new data about screen time affecting children’s behavior.

July 1, 2024: Karen Berkowitz, MD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Science article about a new study on long-lived proteins in mouse oocytes that may offer insights into the staying power of human ovarian proteins.

July 2024: A study on the association between climate change and missed doctors appointments, conducted by the College of Medicine and the Dornsife School of Public health, was featured in July 22 HealthDay and July 19 Becker's Hospital Review stories. Nathalie S. May, MD, a professor, and Janet H. Fitzpatrick, MD, a clinical associate professor, both in the College of Medicine were quoted in the stories, which were republished by KAYU-TV (Fox-Spokane, WA), KULR-TV (NBC-Billing, MT) and among other regional broadcast outlets.

June 2024

June 26, 2024: Sarah Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a STAT News story about the CDC advisory panel on vaccines making a recommendation that will likely result in fewer older adults qualify for insurance coverage of RSV vaccination.

June 24, 2024: Barbara Schindler, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about Mayor Cherelle Parker’s plans to build a $100 million addiction treatment center and shelter near the city’s jail complex on State Road.

June 19, 2024: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a professor and academic chair in the College of Medicine, was featured in a Pittsburgh City Paper article about serving as the keynote speaker at a recent African American Summit on Dementia event hosted by the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association.

June 12: Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was featured in a SiriusXM "Doctor Radio’" segment about television exposure and child development.

June 11: Hiran Fernando, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a KDKA-TV (CBS-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) story about new findings suggesting that one in five people who are recommended for lung cancer screenings aren't getting them done.

June 10: Leon McCrea II, MD, the Deborah J. Tuttle, MD, and John P. Piper, MD, vice dean for educational affairs in the College of Medicine, was featured in an AMA discussion in its ‘Prioritizing Equity’ series that covered the importance of teaching, implementing and adapting culturally responsive communication models for addressing health inequities.

June 10: Ramesh Raghupathi, PhD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Philadelphia Citizen story about the "gender pain gap" and how women's pain has historically been mismanaged by health care providers.

May 2024

May 22: Cecilia M. Smith, DO, associate dean of the Tower Health Regional Campus, professor and interim academic chair, Wei Du, MD, a professor and chair, and students Alexis Price-Moyer and Josette Graves, all of the College of Medicine, were quoted in a feature in The Philadelphia Inquirer about how the college’s expanding network of medical school campuses allows students to train all over the country.

May 16: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a professor and chair, and H. Christopher Lawson, MD, an assistant professor, both in the College of Medicine, were featured in Becker’s Hospital Review’s ‘Black healthcare leaders to know’ list.

May 13: Erol Veznedaroglu, MD, a chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an UPI article about new data suggesting that some patients with traumatic brain injuries who died after life support was withdrawn may have recovered if given more time.

May 6: Q&A: As Temperatures Climb, Is the United States Prepared for a Dengue Fever Outbreak? in the Drexel News Blog.

April 2024

April 27: Michelle Ehiriodo, a student in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in an Delco Daily Times story about the recently held DREAM Expo that aimed to inspire youth to pursue careers in health care.

April 26: Erol Veznedaroglu, MD, chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a WCAU-TV (NBC-10) segment about Philadelphia 76ers player Joel Embiid’s Bell’s Palsy diagnosis.

April 26: Robert T. Sataloff, MD, a professor and chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about a health scare that threatened to end Jon Bon Jovi's singing career — a story told in a new Hulu series.

April 26: Robert T. Sataloff, MD, a professor and chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Huffpost article about factors that may contribute to a weaker voice as we age.

April 25: Sarah S. Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an MedPage Today article about new data on likelihood of pregnant individuals to vaccinate against RSV.

April 25: Stanley Kania, III, PhD, an assistant professor in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a Montco.Today article about advancing research and practice in graduate enrollment management.

April 20: Asif M. Ilyas, MD, associate dean of clinical research and vice chairman and professor in the College of Medicine, wrote a Penn Live opinion story about the need for safe disposal of leftover opioids in homes.

April 16: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a professor and academic chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a WPXI-TV (NBC-Pittsburgh) segment about Pittsburgh having some of the highest maternal death rates in the country, with Black women dying at rates two to three times higher than their white counterparts.

April 13: Sarah Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Philadelphia Inquirer story about the prevalence of a rare infection, called infant botulism, in the Philadelphia area.

March 2024

March 29: Sarah S. Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a article in The Atlantic about whether there is benefit to updating the CDC’s seasonal recommendations for RSV vaccination.

March 26: Jill Farmer, DO, an assistant professor in the College of Medicine, was featured in a Neurology Live article about National Doctors' Day and the importance of celebrating those in the profession.

March 20: Mary Anne Delaney, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a WHYY story about a recent conversation hosted at the Chestnut Hill Library to discuss controversial Alabama legislation on IVF procedures and the June 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade.

March 13: The Partnership Care Practice and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children were mentioned in a Philadelphia Gay News article about recipients of grants from Philly AIDS Thrift.

March 6: Nancy Spector, MD, executive director of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine program and the Executive Leadership in Health Care program, in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Philadelphia Inquirer article about how more than 1,300 women have trained in the ELAM program for leadership roles in academic medicine.

March 4: Jesse Pines, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was featured in a Medscape article about emergency medicine's shift with alternative payment models.

February 2024

February: “Improving Resiliency and Literacy”, Pharos Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society (Winter 2024)

February 29: Mary Ann Comunale, EdD, an associate professor in the College of Medicine, was mentioned in a Feb. 29 story in The East Hampton Star (New York) article about ongoing efforts to improve tests that detect Lyme disease.

February 28: Sarah Long, MD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an Associated Press article about early estimates on the success of this year’s flu shot. The article was picked up by several regional outlets.

February 26: Erica Golemis, PhD, an adjunct faculty member in the College of Medicine, was interviewed in an episode of the “People Behind the Science with Dr. Mary McNeely” podcast to talk about a growing understanding of genes that contribute to cancer malignancy.

February 25: Jeffrey R. Lapides, PhD, is an adjunct associate professor in the College of Medicine, was quoted in an article in The Guardian about whether a TB vaccine discovered a century ago could provide a cheap and effective way of boosting the immune system to protect people from developing Alzheimer’s disease.

February 25: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew, MD, a chair in the College of Medicine, was quoted in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about programs in the Pittsburgh-area that aim to increase racial diversity in medicine.

February 20: Mary Ann Comunale, PhD was mentioned in “Drexel Researchers Find Possible Predictor of COVID-19 Severity”, Drexel News.

February 19: Research from Garth D. Ehrlich, PhD, a professor, and Jeffrey Lapides, PhD, an adjunct associate professor, both in the College of Medicine, about the role of the brain's microbiome in Alzheimer's was covered in a New Scientist article.

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