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College of Medicine Student Accomplishments & Accolades

Congratulations to our outstanding students! Share accomplishments with us.

“Exploring the Boundaries of AI: ChatGPT’s Accuracy in Anatomical Image Generation”
Drexel MD program students Simran Shamith and Serena Kothari, Drexel physics program student Neshal Kothari and Dr. Carolyn Giordano, associate professor of family, community and preventative medicine, authored “Exploring the Boundaries of AI: ChatGPT’s Accuracy in Anatomical Image Generation,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Orthopaedic Experience and Innovation. Congratulations on this achievement!

“High support need groups among autistic children and youth in the United States - Prevalence, overlap, and specific support need”
Jason Kim, MD class of 2027, was awarded 2nd place for their poster, “High support need groups among autistic children and youth in the United States - Prevalence, overlap, and specific support need,” at the Diversity in Medicine Research Symposium in January.

Jason Kim, MD class of 2027, was awarded 2nd place for their poster at the Diversity in Medicine Research Symposium in January.

“Changing Trends in Peripheral Nerve Repair: A Two-Decade TriNetX Analysis of Grafting Techniques and the Ascendancy of Allografts”
Tyler Reinoso, MD class of 2026, was awarded 3rd place for their poster, “Changing Trends in Peripheral Nerve Repair: A Two-Decade TriNetX Analysis of Grafting Techniques and the Ascendancy of Allografts,” at the Diversity in Medicine Research Symposium in January.

Congratulations Sanya Ailani!
The third-year MD student won the award for best paper, which explored the correlation between diabetic A1c levels and endophthalmitis, in the highly competitive original cataract papers session at the American Academy of Ophthalmology's annual meeting.

Sanya Ailani

Congratulations Coral Caceres!
Buckfire Law, Southfield, Mich., awarded the third-year MD student the 2024 Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. Medical School Diversity Scholarship, which began in 2014 to show the firm’s commitment to helping medical students pursue their educational and career goals.

Coral Caceres

Congratulations Betty Jackson!
First-year MD student Betty Jackson’s November 16 Scleroderma Walk-a-Thon, raised over $1,300. Funds will support the development of the first online course for children diagnosed with scleroderma.

Betty Jackson

Congratulations Gokul Karthikeyan and Angie Kuang!
These second-year MD students participated in the 2024 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases' 2024 Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes. They presented their research projects during the program's Medical Student Research Symposium in Nashville.

Gokul Karthikeyan
Angie Kuang

Share your accomplishments (or those of students you teach or mentor) with us! Email Suzanne Dreitlein, web manager, at

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