Skin secretions include zetekitoxin AB and tetrodotoxin.
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Drugs reported to cause pleural and perocardoal effusions (xenobiotic-induced lupus syndrome) include procainamide, hydralazine and isoniazide.
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Perma Blue Paste is used to "reblue," or protect against rust, guns made of steel. The active components in this product are selenious acid, nitric acid and cupric sulfate. These compounds are directly caustic to the skin and mucous membranes, producing redness, burning, blistering and severe irritation with contact exposure. Specifically, selenious acid is corrosive, leading to hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity and discoloration of the skin. Selenious acid is thought to inhibit the activity of sulfhydryl-containing enzymes causing hematemesis, hypotension, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary edema, seizures and coma.
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Phosferine: Phosferine was an early 20th century tonic that was advertised to be a cure for a variety of ailments including depression, rheumatism, sciatica and indigestion. A 1911 British Medical Journal publication discussed that an analysis of Phosferine found that it was composed of water, alcohol, quinine, phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid.
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Physostigmine: A reversible cholinesterase inhibitor that increases the availability of acetylcholine and is used to reverse neuromuscular blockade.
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A toxicity associated with excessive exposure to pigeon droppings. Of significance, is that there can be a delay in symptoms after exposure, up to 5 to 6 years. The pathophysiology is based on a hypersensivity reaction to the antigens in the droppings, thereby leading to alveolar inflammation. It will lead a diffuse or nodular infiltrate on chest imaging. Clinically symptom include shortness of breath that resembles asthma, fatigue and weight loss with chronic exposure. Image courtesy of Mostafa Sheshtawy - https://www.flickr.com/photos/msheshtawy/.
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A possible consequence of esophageal perforation secondary to caustic injury (lye, button batteries) or Boerhaave syndrome due to both intentional or unintentional emesis. It is defined as abnormal presence of air or another gaseous substance in the medistinum. Clinical signs include subcutaneous emphysema, labored breathing, and neck pain. Diagnosed with chest x-ray or CT scan and treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and symptomatic treatment.
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Po Chai Pills: Herbal pills manufactured in China, advertised to relieve various gastrointestinal ailments and abate hangovers. Po Chai Pills contain a mixture of many traditional roots, leaves, and barks such as polyporus, patchouly, and kudzu. The pills were banned in Singapore and Hong Kong after traces of phenolphthalein (carcinogen) and sibutramine (stimulant associated with acute cardiovascular events) were found in the capsules.
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Pralidoxime is primarily used as antidote to reverse cholinergic toxicity from nerve gas agents and other organophosphates. The principal action is to reactivate cholinesterase enzymes by removing the attached phosphate group. It should be given before "ageing" occurs which is the irreversible binding of Organophosphate to the acetylcholinesterase enzyme. It is usually given with Atropine and is administered in a quick injector for emergency and military usage.
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Venom contain components acting on fibrinogen, phospholipases A2 (PLA2) with hemorrhagic and myotoxic activity (zhaoermiatoxin) and other enzymatic components. Local effects can be evident following exposure, as well as hemorrhagic and potentially thrombotic effects may occur. Therapy using the GREEN PIT VIPER ANTIVENIN has been reported effective in treatment of such bites.
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Purex Crystals: Added while washing clothes to boost fragrance. Active ingredients include sodium chloride and sodium silicate. Sodium chloride is non-toxic, but sodium silicate is an alkaline caustic agent, that can cause GI mucosal injury, burns and strictures when ingested orally.
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The information on these pages is provided for general information only and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment, or as a substitute for consultation with a physician or health care professional. If you have specific questions or concerns about your health, you should consult your health care professional.
The images being used are for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted is a model.