Mate de Coca: Coca tea (mate de coca) is produced with the raw or dried leaves of the coca plant and is common in South America. Analysis of coca tea bags and coca tea indicated that cocaine, benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester and trans-cinnamoylcocaine were present in varying quantities. With exhaustive extraction, an average of 5.11 mg, and 4.86 mg of cocaine per tea bag were found in coca leaf from Peru and Bolivia, respectively.
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Marijuana, derived from the cannabis plant is the most common illegal recreational drug in the United States and worldwide. Cannabis can be utilized via inhalation, vaporizing, ingestion or as an extract. The primary psychoactive component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis causes a “high” sensation of perceptual changes, euphoria, and hyperphagia that lasts for 4-6 hours. Negative effects include anxiety, paranoia, impaired motor skills and decrease in short term memory. Studies have linked cannabis with a risk of precipitating psychosis, but the causal relationship is debated. Recreational marijuana can be adulterated with other unidentified drugs or contain synthetic cannabinoids, which can lead to unintended and unpredictable symptoms.
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Can be contaminated with lead, potentially in both the ingredients and the wrapper. Chronic lead toxicity occurs through environmental exposure and leads to alteration of enzymes and large macromolecules. This causes metabolic abnormalities and derangements in the nervous, renal, gastrointestinal, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. Lead toxicity is concerning in young children due to their incomplete neurocognitive development.
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Paradichlorobenzene is the active ingredient in most mothballs, which are used as an aromatic fumigant insecticide to control moths and other indoor insects. Ingestion of paradichlorobenzene can result in nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and headache. Inhalation of mothball vapors may cause respiratory tract irritation. The United States Environmental Protection Agency states that paradichlorobenzene is not carcinogenic. Mothballs have historically contained naphthalene, which can cause hemolytic anemia when ingested, as well as camphor, which can cause seizures in children when ingested.
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Mouthwash may contain ethanol typically between the range of 5% to 27% by volume. It is sometimes unintentionally ingested by children and intentionally abused by substance-dependent adults who no longer have access to commercial alcoholic beverages. It is sometimes used by alcoholics in recovery because the odor of alcohol is masked. Ethanol poisoning can result in altered mental status, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, respiratory depression, hypoglycemia and death.
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Mucosal injury following accidental lye ingestion. Following exposure to an alkali, dissotiated hydroxide ions penetrate tissue surfaces producing liquefactive necrosis.
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Many cases of mushroom poisoning occur when inexperienced foragers ingest mushrooms they come across in the wild. It is important to note that distinguishing poisonous from edible mushrooms is not simple and amateur hunters should refrain from eating mushrooms without confirming that it is safe to do so.
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The images being used are for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted is a model.