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2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winners

Photo of Daniel Schoepflin, a 2023 Outstanding Dissertation award winner

Anne Converse Willkomm, Associate Dean of the Graduate College (right) presenting an Outstanding Dissertation Award to Daniel Schoepflin, a PhD student in computer science (left) at Graduate Student Day on June 1, 2023.

The Outstanding Dissertation Awards are presented to doctoral-level students who have written original, innovative dissertations that reflect great research and have or are likely to be disseminated widely and have significant impact on the field and society. This award is open to all doctoral-level students who have achieved candidacy and are expected to complete, defend their dissertation, and graduate in the current academic year (prior to September 7, 2024).

Graduate College Award Winners

Alex Inman

PhD Program in Materials Science and Engineering

College of Engineering

Erin O'Brien

PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

College/School Finalists

Tyler Andres-Bray

PhD Program in Biological Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Karissa Barbarevech

PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems


Lizbeth Gomez

PhD Program in Environmental and Occupational Health

Dornsife School of Public Health

Mohammad Houshmand

PhD Program in Civil Engineering

College of Engineering

Xuan Luo

PhD Program in Pharmacology and Physiology

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies

College of Medicine