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Professional Buzz

Professional Buzz

Professional Buzz is a blog warehousing relevant information, tips and tools for students and professionals looking for career development and advice. Topics range from leadership and management skills to interpersonal communication and innovation in the workplace. The blog is written and curated by Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Anne Converse Willkomm – drawing on her academic and professional experience to provide insight into the latest professional trends, challenges and skills needed to thrive in today’s everchanging workplace.

Image of a hand using a marker on a white board placing a highlighted color over words written in black in a circle. Words include: learning, knowledge, experience, competence, skills, abiilty, training, and growth

The Value of Experience

This may sound odd coming from an academic, but I find students sometimes focus too much on their credit-based work, forgetting about value of other experiences. Drexel is a leader in experiential education with our co-op program. And we know that our students who go out on co-op gain incredible advantages over their peers who don’t have a co-op opportunity. This experience offers advantages that translate into full-time job offers, higher salaries, etc. because students build an incredible toolbox of skills they can’t learn in the classroom. While Drexel does offer co-op opportunities to graduate students, it is not built into the academic plan of every program, as it is at the undergraduate level, but there are still plenty of “experience” opportunities available.

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Black and white image of 4 typed job descriptions overlapping one another at skewed angles

Should I Apply for This Job?

Over the years, I have counseled countless women and men in their job search. I have always found it interesting that women and men take a very different approach when it comes to deciding whether to apply for a specific position. Often, men will apply with fewer of the required qualifications than women. And my response to the women who won’t apply unless they have 100% of the qualifications is where is the room for growth in the position? In other words, if you meet every qualification the company is looking for, then shouldn’t you be applying for a more senior role? Let's look at three approaches to determining whether to apply for a specific position.

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Vector image of 4 resumes or CVs, two have an illustrated image with no faces of a woman of color and a white woman

Resume or CV?

In talking with students as they prepare to enter their career or change jobs because they have earned a new degree, I get asked which is better a short resume or a more comprehensive CV. It is not that simple.

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Image of a woman of Asian descent who is looking at a screen, which is then reflected in her glasses, to demonstrate the idea of reflection.

Questions Leaders Need to Ask Themselves

With the Great Resignation is still underway, companies are losing talented workers, which not only costs money, but it also has a significant impact on institutional knowledge, organizational growth, sustainability, team morale, etc. We also know employees will be more likely to stay if they feel valued, supported, included, and encouraged, as well as knowing their manager is listening, transparent, and engaged. So, if companies want to retain their talented employees, it is incumbent upon all leaders – at all levels - to look at themselves and evaluate their leadership style and their engagement with their teams.

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A compilation of images of young women of diverse ethnicities.

Women to Admire

The women I am choosing to highlight for International Women's Month might not be whom you would expect. This group of young women, of which there are some 14 million (based on census data and a little math). I see these young women entering the workforce, far more prepared than my generation was. I see these young women focused on the common good, work-life balance, personal values, but don’t think for a moment that they are not driven. These young women are doing amazing things.

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Image of silhouetted man and woman in front of a maze having an argument

Strategies for Working With Difficult People

We’ve all experienced difficult people in our lives at one point or another – the feelings and emotions they can evoke with their condescension, aggression, or disrespect can feel overwhelming. But let’s face it, as much as we may want to, we can’t control their behavior, but we can control our reaction and the direction we take to resolve it.

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Video conference illustration

5 Steps to Creating a Culture Shift

How often do you find yourself clicking over from one Zoom meeting to another with no chance to grab a glass of water let alone take a comfort break? I am assuming, it is all too often. In several meetings over the past few days, my fellow zoomies and I discussed the need for a culture shift. 

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headless business suit

Tone Policing: What is it and How to Stop it

Tone policing predominantly happens to women, especially Black women. It refers to being asked to remove any emotion as one speaks, makes a suggestion, or recommendation in a meeting.

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Be Kind

Practice Kindness

I know many of us will share things we are grateful for with the coming holidays, as we sit around a table filled with turkey and all the trimmings...

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Diverse Voices are Essential

While a bit of progress has been made in corporate America, one might assume the nonprofit sector would be more diverse...

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Image of a computer in a home office with a teddy bear sitting on the laptop.

Happy Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and what better opportunity to send some extra love to moms everywhere. Mothers are a true force to be reckoned with. Life does not slow down for anyone once they have a baby, and there are a million things to juggle every minute of the day. Raising children is no easy pursuit but raising children while working seems almost impossible. Moms are no stranger to the impossible, though.

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illustrated image of a women sitting at a desk with men giving her more work to accomplish

Advice to women - just say, "no"

Did you know that women are far more likely to volunteer for tasks that do not lead to a promotion or a raise? According to a small-scale study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, 696 students participated in an exercise in which they were asked to volunteer. Researchers found that women raised their hands 48% more often than their male counterparts.

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