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Professional Buzz

Professional Buzz

Professional Buzz is a blog warehousing relevant information, tips and tools for students and professionals looking for career development and advice. Topics range from leadership and management skills to interpersonal communication and innovation in the workplace. The blog is written and curated by Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Anne Converse Willkomm – drawing on her academic and professional experience to provide insight into the latest professional trends, challenges and skills needed to thrive in today’s everchanging workplace.

Image of a woman's arm coming out of a laptop computer and shaking hands with another.

The Importance of Trust in a Remote Environment

Trust is crucial in all relationships, but I think sometimes we forget the importance in our working relationships, or we take it for granted. Like any other relationship, elements of trust may be given immediately, but full trust is earned over time. If you do not work to build that trust, you are actively eroding your relationships with your manager or your direct reports. Without trust growth will be hampered, success stalled, and both managers and direct reports will feel unappreciated and undervalued.

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Illustrated image of a business women with other business folks around her.

Stop using the "B" word

Okay folks, stop using the B-word – not that one, I’m referring to the word – BOSSY. According to the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in their recent White Paper entitled, Bossy What’s Gender Got to do With It?, they provided some context for the negativity surrounding the word, “bossy.”

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Image of a pair of Groucho Marx glasses with blue eyebrows and mustache.

4 Ways to Manage Imposter Syndrome

A colleague shared an article last week with a group of us regarding self-doubt. We all question ourselves from time to time, but when these feelings of doubt invade our minds making us question our worth in an organization, it becomes known as imposter syndrome.

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Bulletin board covered in colorful sticky notes, with a large one in the middle that says, "Make Things Happen."

6 Ways to Advance Your Career in the Middle of a Pandemic

While health professionals refer to COVID-19 as a novel virus, it no longer feels novel to most of us. We have been dealing with the upheaval created by this virus for close to six months. And as a result, we’ve come to realize this will be our new normal for some period of time to come. But this does not mean, however, that everything needs to come to a halt like it did in March. While we need to practice social distancing, wear our masks, and follow other necessary guidelines, we can still work to advance our careers. Perhaps this is even a good time to do so.

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Image of a sign post (arrow shaped) on a steel pole with the title "Career"

Job vs Career: What's the Difference?

A career is a series of jobs that create a trajectory, a propulsion with a forward momentum, providing one with opportunities for growth, development, and purpose. However, a career for one will look very different than a career for another. Here are 3 different scenarios:

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Image of two men, one black, one white, talking with one another in an office setting, but in casual clothes

Let's Talk About It: Why It's Good To Talk About Difficult Topics

Much has happened around us since we rang in 2020, leaving many of us feeling tired, worried, sad, frustrated, disgusted, and hopeful. This myriad of feelings and emotions do not disappear when we open our computers to start our workday. They do not disappear as we respond to emails or sit in Zoom meetings. They do not disappear as we read through reports to discern talking points. These feelings sit with us, hang over us, and dwell within us. We need to talk about them, so let's talk about it.

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Image of an empty board room with white walls and chairs around a square table.

Preparing to Return to Work: 6 things to expect

For those of you who pre-COVID-19 worked in an office and have been working from your dining rooms, comfortable chair in the living room, home office, deck, or the kitchen counter, plans likely are underway to begin the process of returning to work. But what does that really mean? Who will return and when is still up in the air for most of us. And, the reality is, returning to work will look very different. So, what can we expect?

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Swirled word cloud with words related to evolving and adapting

2020 Graduates Gain an Unexpected Skill

To the 2020 graduates across this country – yes, you were cheated of something you worked hard for, you deserved, and there are no words to soften that blow, but if you can let go of the disappointment for a moment, you might be able to see that you have also been given something – a skill – one that will serve you throughout your life.

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Green Post-It Note with the words: Covid Lessons written in cursive.

5 Lessons We Can Learn From COVID

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has taken much from us, many lives, many liberties, many experiences, but there have been silver linings as well. Even when a vaccine or cure is found, this virus will have made a lasting impact on all of us. There are many lessons we can take away from our collective experience.

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Image of a chestnut-colored puggle named Sadie

5 Tips to help you focus while working from home

Most of us have been working from home for at least eight weeks and most of us have adapted well, getting our work done via video conferences, chats, emails, and phone calls. However, one common thread I continually hear, “I’m have a hard time focusing.” It should not be a surprise, we are living in the most uncertain of times, nothing like we have ever experienced.

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hands over a laptop

4 Best Practices for Online Learning, from an Online Student

Learn how to be a successful online student from an online student.

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Image of cartoon-type people all connected by lines, as in by social media

6 Tips for communicating effectively while working remotely

Communication is one of the single most important elements to ensure workplace productivity, happiness, engagement, and creativity. When communication breaks down, the ultimate result is a loss on return on investment. Millions of dollars are lost every year due to communication problems. Communication can be difficult under the best of circumstances, and now that most of us are working remotely, it is even more critical to ensure our lines of communication are in place. Follow these six tips to help you and your team communicate effectively while working from home.

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