Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology Research

The research program in cellular neuroscience seeks to develop solutions for degenerative diseases and developmental disorders of the nervous system by understanding the underlying cellular mechanisms underlying these conditions. The program consists of a highly collaborative team of scientists with strong credentials in molecular biology, microscopy, computer-assisted imaging, and contemporary techniques in cell biology.

The research utilizes cellular and animal models to study neurodegenerative diseases such as Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, Gulf War Illness and Frontotemporal Dementia, as well as neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. There is also work on injury scenarios such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Experimental models include rats, genetic mice, human induced pluripotent stem cells (differentiated for some experiments into three-dimensional organoids), and primary neuronal cultures from mice and rats. Much of the work focuses on the cytoskeleton of the neuron, which includes studies on axonal transport, tau, and microtubule-based therapies. Other work delves into the mechanisms of neuronal migration, axonal and dendritic differentiation, maintenance of synapses, programmed cell death, and integration of neuronal activity with regeneration and repair.

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More About Our Research

Cellular Neuroscience Faculty

Peter Baas, PhD

Peter Baas, PhD

Professor; Director, Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Role of microtubules in development, disease and injury of the nervous system
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Timothy Cunningham, PhD

Timothy Cunningham, PhD

Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Neuron survival and death, neuroinflammation, central nervous system repair
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Itzhak Fischer, PhD

Itzhak Fischer, PhD

Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Cellular and molecular strategies in promoting regeneration; structure and function of neuronal cytoskeleton
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Ying Jin, PhD

Ying Jin, PhD

Research Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
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Liang Oscar Qiang, PhD

Liang Oscar Qiang, PhD

Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Neurological disease modeling and potential therapies using iPSC-derived neurons, as well as other cellular reprogramming strategies
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Ramesh Raghupathi, PhD

Ramesh Raghupathi, PhD

Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Cell death and plasticity after traumatic injury to the mature and immature brain
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Veronica Tom, PhD

Veronica Tom, PhD

Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Modulation of extrinsic and intrinsic factors to promote axonal regeneration and plasticity
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Kazuhito Toyooka, PhD

Kazuhito Toyooka, PhD

Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Neuronal development and neuronal migration
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Wenqian Yu, MD

Wenqian Yu, MD*

Research Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
Research Interests: Microtubules, Neuronal development
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*Physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.

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Enlarged neuronet, glassy texture.