2021 TA Excellence Award Winners
Teaching Assistant Excellence Awards are presented to graduate students who serve as Teaching Assistants or Teaching Fellows (TAs/TFs) and who exhibit exemplary commitment to student learning through reflective teaching practices, innovative teaching methods, academic support, leadership and a commitment to their professional growth and development as an educator.
Graduate College Award Winners
Cameron Bale
PhD Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business
Karissa Barbarevech
PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Yuyue Chen
PhD Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business
Bryce Hina
PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Virginia Orozco
PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Majd Oteibi
Doctor of Health Sciences Program
College of Nursing and Health Professions
Greg Schwenk
PhD Program in Chemistry
College of Arts and Sciences
Mi Thant Mon Soe
PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering
Navy Spiecker
MS Program in Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
Hamed Yassaghi
PhD Program in Architectural Engineering
College of Engineering
Continuing Excellence in Teaching Assistance Award
Evan Arena
PhD Program in Physics
College of Arts and Sciences
Meghan Barrett
PhD Program in Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Jae Young Choi
PhD Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business
Dominick Macaluso
PhD Program in Mathematics
College of Arts and Sciences
Highly Commended - Award Finalists
There were over 50 nominations for the TA award this year. The following were given close consideration by the review committee and have been given recognition as "highly commended" award finalists.
Ozgun Acar
PhD Program in Materials Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
Shannah Bowers
MS Program in Interior Architecture and Design
Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Cassidy Buhler
PhD Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business
Justine Fuga
Third Year JD Program
Kline School of Law
Thomas Li
PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Amanda Marino
PhD Program in Business Administration
LeBow College of Business
Jehron Pura-Bryant
MS Program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
College of Medicine
Katrina Struloeff
PhD Program in Education
School of Education
Myar Taha
MS Program in Biomedical Studies
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
College of Medicine
Sarvesh Vilekar
MS Program in Food Science
College of Nursing and Health Professions