2016 TA Excellence Award Winners

Teaching Assistant Excellence Awards are presented to graduate students who serve as Teaching Assistants (TAs) and who exhibit exemplary commitment to student learning, reflective teaching practices, innovative teaching methods, leadership and a commitment to their professional growth and development as a teacher.

Continuing Excellence

Mohammad Bolhassani, Civil and Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering

Teaching Excellence

Bita Alizadehtazi, Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
Christopher Brown, Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Alex Cohen, Marketing, LeBow College of Business
Victoria Grunberg, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Marko Jacovic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Sarah Lovett, Food Science, Center for Hospitality and Sport Management
Pedro Edson Martins, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Daryl Omire-Mayor, Biomedical Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Hoori Rafieian, Marketing, LeBow College of Business
Sarah Rody, Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
Katie Jo Sunday, Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Edward Waddell, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

Honorable Mention

Vivian Allahyari, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Simon Begashaw, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Charles Burnette, Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
Kelley Commeford, Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Johnna Domenico, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Lauren Klobonski, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Jon-Frederick Landrigan, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Cheng-Hsin Lu, Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Yaaqoub Malallah, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Mohammed Nozari, Chemistry, College of Arts and Science