2018 Drexel Common Good Award Winners

Drexel Common Good Awardee 2018

MPH in Community Health and Prevention student, Jesse Brajuha (left), receiving the 2018 Drexel Common Good Award from Dr. Caroline Shauer (right), Chair of the Graduate Student Excellence Awards Committee at Graduate Student Day, May 31, 2018.

The Drexel Common Good Award (previously Outstanding Promise and Civic Engagement Awards) is presented to a graduate student (master's or doctoral level) who demonstrates academic excellence and who is committed to improving the world around them by making contributions to local, national or global communities through either scholarship or civic engagement.

Graduate College Award Winner

Jesse Brajuha
MPH Program in Community Health and Prevention
Dornsife School of Public Health

College/School Finalists

Ekwoge Abwe
PhD Program in Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences

Reina Aiken
PhD Program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Graduate College of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
College of Medicine

Gabrielle Burks
PhD Program in Materials Science and Engineering
College of Engineering

Daphney Cherry
PhD Program in Biomedical Science
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Thanh My Nguyen
MS Program in Design Research
Westphal College of Media Arts and Design

Jerry John Nutor
PhD Program in Nursing
College of Nursing and Health Professions

Dyan O’Donoghue
Master’s Program in Legal Studies
Thomas R. Kline School of Law

Corine Sapp
MS Program in Professional Studies
Goodwin College of Professional Studies