Resources for Current Students

Information on student organizations, reimbursements and accounts payable are listed below, with additional resources provided in the menu on the left.

Student Organizations

Drexel's education extends much farther than just classroom teaching and homework.  Our students are encouraged to seek out any one of the hundreds of student organizations around campus, covering a wide spectrum of interests including academics, club sports, community service, fraternity/sorority life, performing arts, politics, and more.

Within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, our students are encouraged to participate or take leadership roles in materials-related groups, including Alpha Sigma Mu, DEMO, Material Advantage, the Materials Research Society (MRS), and ECS.  Participation in these groups and activities helps students develop leadership abilities, make contacts in professional fields, and foster a sense of community within our department.

Reimbursements and Accounts Payable

Travel Reimbursements

All expenses related to travel by Drexel employees only, including student-employees, should be submitted with a Travel Expenses Reimbursement Report [PDF]. Employee ID is your student ID. Please tape receipts to only one side of a sheet of paper for easier scanning. Make sure you have a fund number (fund code) from your advisor and that it is signed/approved.

SmartSource Submission - Other Expenses

Other expenses, such as purchases for the lab, conference fees, or travel reimbursement for non-employees should be submitted in Drexel One through the SmartSource automated procurement tool. Each request requires: contact information including(address, email address, and contact number), itemized receipts, Drexel ID#, and fund number (fund code), ORG number and account number from your advisor as well as approval.

Cash Reimbursement

If you purchase supplies or other items for you group, you can be reimbursed in the main office or at Drexel Central. You need a fund number and signature from your advisor, plus the itemized receipt(s). This is the fastest way to get reimbursed for purchase under $100, not related to travel.

You can bring Sean Blake the signed forms with original receipts in Drexel Materials Main Office.

Questions? Contact Sean Blake at or 215.895.6644