High Impact Advanced Materials Research
Drexel Materials’ high-impact research enterprise includes a robust infrastructure and leadership in global and industrial partnerships, publications and citations, and patents. Faculty and student research activities range from basic science and discovery to engineering the advanced performance of materials for tailored applications across a variety of technological sectors.
- Ranked #29 globally, #9 nationally in the 2023 U.S. News and World Report Global Universities rankings
- 2021 impact factor >22 (top 3 for materials departments within the U.S.)
- Faculty are fellows in major scientific societies including AAAS, ACerS, AIMBE, APS, ASM, ECS, MRS, NAI, NATAS and the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Core characterization facility with 3 full-time staff and new SEM (acquired in 2022 through NSF-MRI grant) and x-ray nanoCT (acquired in 2023 through NSF-MRI grant)
- International co-authorships in 45 countries
- >40 patents issued since 2018
Research Focus Areas
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