International Application Instructions
Drexel considers a number of criteria to determine admission for international students, including secondary school performance and/or college/university performance, test scores, letters of recommendation, essay, and more.
Prerequisites and Deadlines
Before beginning your application to Drexel, please review our Admission Prerequisites and Application Deadlines. If you have questions about whether your international curriculum meets admissions prerequisites, please contact enroll@drexel.edu.
Required Materials
Refer to the appropriate application instructions for the materials you are required to submit:
- First-Year Instructions
- Transfer Instructions
- International Gateway Program Instructions
- Winter Entry Program (WEP) Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Admission Decisions
Students applying for first-year admission may apply Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision.
Early Decision (ED)
If you choose to apply Early Decision, it means that you will apply early and receive an admission decision sooner than the Regular Decision applicant pool. Early Decision applicants receive one of three possible decisions: an offer of admission, deferral to Regular Decision, or denied admission. Early Decision is binding. This means that if you are offered admission, you must attend Drexel University and withdraw any applications submitted to other schools.
Early Action (EA)
If you choose to apply Early Action, it means that you will apply early and receive an admission decision sooner than the Regular Decision applicant pool. Early Action applicants receive one of three possible decisions: an offer of admission, deferral to Regular Decision, or denied admission. Early Action is non-binding, and if accepted, you have until the May 1 National Candidates' Reply Date to confirm your acceptance.
Regular Decision (RD)
If you choose to apply Regular Decision, you will receive a non-binding decision from Drexel by April 1. If accepted, you have until May 1 to confirm your acceptance.
Transfer Decisions
Applications for transfer applicants are reviewed on a rolling basis. If you currently live and attend a university outside of the United States, you will need to follow strict application deadlines to allow enough time to go through the new I-20 application and visa process.
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104