Less Than Full Time

In order to maintain lawful F-1 or J-1 non-immigrant status, international students must enroll full-time, receive permission from ISSS to enroll less than full time, or receive ISSS approval for an international break term. 

For full-time enrollment, undergraduate students must be registered for at least 12 credit hours and graduate students must be registered for at least 9 credit hours each term. Students should pay attention to the following:

  • Courses that are audited do not count towards meeting the minimum full-time enrollment requirement.
  • Only 3 credit hours of online/distance learning courses can be counted towards meeting the minimum full-time enrollment requirement per quarter/semester.

In some instances, international students may be authorized to reduce their course load. All less than full time (LTFT) requests must be submitted to ISSS with a proper approval and signature from the student's academic advisor (and faculty member if needed) by the add/drop deadline or at the latest before withdrawal deadline of every term (Friday of week 7 of each term.) You must receive authorization from ISSS before you drop below full-time enrollment. Students who fail to enroll in a full course of study and do not obtain LTFT authorization from the ISSS office are considered to be out of immigration status.

Students May Be Authorized to Go LTFT in the Following Cases

A reduced course load can be approved based on academic difficulty only once while pursuing a course of study at a particular program level. Students who receive approval for LTFT for academic reasons must remain enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours for undergraduate students or 4.5 credit hours for graduate students. To apply for a reduced course load based on any of the reasons listed below, F-1 and J-1 students must submit a letter from their academic advisor recommending them for LTFT for a specific term and explaining why the reduced course load is needed. The letter must be on an official letterhead.

  • Initial difficulty with English language or reading requirements: is limited to first academic year only.
  • Initial unfamiliarity with American teaching methods: is limited to first academic year only.
  • Improper course level placement

If an F-1 or J-1 student has documented medical reasons that prevent them from enrolling full time, they may be eligible for a less than full-time authorization for medical reasons. To apply for a reduced course load based on medical reasons, F-1 and J-1 students must submit a letter from their medical provider recommending them for LIFT for a specified term. F-1 and J-1 students are limited to up to 12 aggregate months of medical LTFT per program level.

  • The letter must be on an official letterhead signed by a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist stating that in their medical opinion, the student is not able to attend classes during a specific term or not able to attend classes full-time.
  • The doctor should use the suggested letter template below. The doctor is not required to provide details about the student's diagnosis or medical condition or illness. However, the letter must include all information required on the template letter. If the student cannot take any courses, the letter must clearly state that.
  • Approval for medical LTFT must be authorized by ISSS for each term requested.
  • If you are approved for a medical LTFT, you are expected to return to full-time studies after their LTFT period has ended.
  • F-1 and J-1 students in their final term of study are required to enroll in at least one course under medical LTFT.

Suggested Template Letter

[Must be printed on doctor’s office letterhead]
International Students and Scholars Services
Drexel University

To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that I recommend the below named student (select one reason): be placed on a reduced course load for the (insert the term and year) due to medical reasons OR is unable to take any courses during the (insert term and year) due to medical reasons.

[Student’s Name]
[Student’s DOB]
[Doctor’s Signature]
[Doctor’s Printed Name, Tittle, and Stamp]

F-1 and J-1 students are allowed to take one vacation term each year. F-1 and J-1 students in a program that is run on a quarter system can take a vacation term after having completed three (3) consecutive quarters. F-1 and J-1 students in a program that is run on a semester system can take a vacation term after having completed two (2) consecutive semesters. During the vacation term, F-1 and J-1 students are allowed to enroll in classes. F-1 and J-1 students are expected to enroll full-time in courses after their vacation term ends.  

F-1 and J-1 students in the final term of their degree program can apply for LTFT if the credit hours they need to complete their program are less than what is needed to maintain full-time enrollment.

Please note, a student may not take courses fully online in their final term. Additionally, if a student needs more than one class in the final term to complete their degree, the student may still count no more than one class/three credits of online study towards remaining degree requirements.

Note: According to the U.S. Federal Regulations, lack of financial support does not constitute a valid reason to reduce course load.

How to Apply for LTFT

To request to drop below a full-time course load, students must complete and submit the Less Than Full-Time form on the ISSS Student Portal to isss@drexel.edu. The form must be submitted to ISSS before the student drops below full-time. The student’s academic advisor must specify the reason for the LTFT and sign the form.

Any additional documents required for the specific LTFT reason (academic advisor letter, doctor’s note) must also be attached and sent in one PDF to isss@drexel.edu.

ISSS will review all submitted documents and will email the student with the decision to approve or reject the LTFT request. Students must wait to receive ISSS approval before dropping below a full-time course load.

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Visit during office hours to drop off/pick up documents or to request a travel signature.

Virtual Advising Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays: 2–4 p.m.

Virtual Advising Sign-In