Student Organizations
Student Life believes that an incredibly valuable aspect of Drexel University's education happens outside of the classroom. Participation in student organizations is where leadership is developed, community engagement occurs, and intellectual, religious, and social interests are met. These opportunities enrich and enhance your Drexel experience, while the interpersonal and organizational skills you exercise will prove invaluable in your co-op and when you graduate.
Get Connected with DragonLink
Get Involved
Through Student Life and DragonLink, our online student organization directory, get connected to student organizations that interest you. And if you cannot find a group that meets your needs, then we will help you start a new one.
Student Organization Recognition Requirements
Student Life defines a student organization as a group of students whose open membership is centered on a unique mission and purpose that brings value to life at Drexel University and creates an opportunity for learning, student governance and leadership.
Student organizations must:
- Be completely student run, governed, and organized.
- Have opportunities, at both the executive and general member levels, for leadership growth and development.
- Have membership open to all students unless granted an exemption.
- Not serve solely as a mechanism to advance a University department or academic program.
- Not serve solely as a mechanism to advance a student's academic status or grade.
- Not be started by or operated by a faculty or staff member.
- Download and review the Drexel Student Organization Types [PDF].
Student organizations must be recognized and approved annually by the University and all officers must complete the annual Student Organization Recognition Requirements. The requirements are outlined below. Updates and more information can be found on Campus Engagement's DragonLink page.
Recognition Cycles and Requirements
The following are the required pieces of the recognition process. The recognition cycle opens annually in the spring term. Organizations must transition on the fiscal year cycle (July-June). Officers should be elected throughout the spring quarter, and outgoing officers should work to facilitate a smooth transition with their new incoming officers. Once officers are elected, they need to complete the recognition requirements below.
Requirement 1: Update DragonLink Rosters
Update your rosters to reflect the required positions. Each position must be held by a different person. In order for your organization to be high functioning, facilitate high quality events, and give officers a full leadership experience, we expect that your officers are in their position for a full year.
Requirement 2: President/Primary Contact Submits the Registration Form on DragonLink
Once the recognition cycle opens, a blue button stating "Register My Organization" will appear on your organization's DragonLink page. The primary contact will need to complete this form. Although the primary contact must be the one to submit the form, we suggest getting together as a board to complete it.
Requirement 3: Attend Officer and Advisor Training
Each of the required officers must complete online training via DragonLink. Officer Training gives you the opportunity to understand a general overview of student organizations, dive into topics regarding event planning, how to manage your money, retention and recruitment, and more, as well as meet with campus departments that will help your student organization succeed.
The new organization interest process begins Week 2 of the summer and fall terms. It requires attendance at an information session, an interview with USGA, and an application on DragonLink. For any questions, contact usgasoc@drexel.edu.
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30 N. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104