Report an Incident
Student Conduct & Care serves as the reporting center for all reports of Student and Student Organization misconduct, as well as non-urgent reports about students in need of support. Any member of the Drexel University community or person with knowledge of an incident of misconduct or a student of concern can make a report.
Reports of alleged policy violations by Students or Student Organizations, including alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Policy, and Student of Concern reports can be submitted using one of the report links below under "Incident Type."
In the event that the following reporting tools are not working, please contact our office via email at
Incident Type
Use the Academic Integrity Incident Report form to report incidents of academic misconduct. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Cheating
- Plagiarism
- Use of unauthorized sources
- Prohibited behaviors noted on a class syllabus
The report should include the following information, if available:
- Name(s) and student ID number(s) of the Student(s) alleged to have violated the Academic Integrity Policy
- Name, contact information, and college/school of the course instructor, or name and contact information of the person(s) filing the report (if the instructor is not filing the report)
- Course name, number, and term where the violation occurred
- If you met/did not meet with the Student(s) about the alleged violations and the Student's response to the allegation
- A description of the alleged violation (cheating, plagiarism, academic misconduct, etc.)
- Assigned academic sanctions (failing grade for assignment, exam, course or reduction of grade for assignment, exam, course, or other)
- The result of the faculty meeting with the Student(s) about the allegation
All reports are private, but not confidential.
Use the Incident Report form to report general incidents of misconduct. Incidents include, but are not limited to:
- Alcohol or drug use
- Housing policy violations
- Physical assault
- Organizational violations
- Hazing incidents
- Disruptive behavior
The report should include the following information, if available:
- Name(s) of the Student(s) or Student Organization alleged to have violated the Code of Student Conduct Policies
- A description of the incident
- Names and contact information of witnesses (if applicable)
- Names and contact information of the person(s) filing the report
Use the Care Referral form to report nonurgent and concerning observed student behavior. This report will be sent to the Dean of Student Life Office. For faculty and staff seeking additional guidance on assisting a student in distress, resources are available [PDF].
The report should include the following information, if available:
- Name(s) of the Student(s)
- A description of the concerning behavior/issues
- Names and contact information of witnesses (if applicable)
- Names and contact information of the person(s) filing the report.
The incident reporting form is the preferred and primary method for receiving reports. Using this form ensures that the Drexel Civil Rights Compliance Team has the information necessary to make informed decisions concerning report response and the health and safety of impacted individuals and our Drexel Community. However, if for some reason you are unable to submit the report using the reporting form above, please contact the Drexel Office of Civil Rights Compliance by phone or email to relay your report or to gather additional information about reporting.
By Phone: 215.895.1405
By Email:
Email is the preferred method for contacting us.
Anonymously through Drexel University Ethics Point:
Call 911 or 215.895.2222 (Drexel Public Safety)
The report should include the following information, if available:
- Name(s) of the Student(s) or Student Organization alleged to have violated the Code of Student Conduct Policies
- A description of the incident
- Names and contact information of witnesses (if applicable)
- Names and contact information of the person(s) filing the report
Contact Us
30 N. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.