Policies, Procedures, and Terms of Service Drexel IT Policies, Procedures, and Terms of Service provide the responsible, ethical, and legal use of computing resources for the protection of all users. We encourage you to read these documents, ask questions, and help us maintain an open and responsible community. Policies DU - ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (IT - 01)DU - INFORMATION SECURITY GRAMM LEACH BLILEY ACT (IT - 02)DU - SECURITY OF ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS (IT - 03)DU - SECURITY OF INFORMATION AND NETWORKED SYSTEMS (IT - 04)DU - RADIO SPECTRUM AND WIRELESS NETWORK CONTROL (IT - 05)DU - CLINICAL RESEARCH DATA STORAGE (IT - 06)DU - EMAIL (IT - 07)DU - INFORMATION SECURITY FOR INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION (IT - 08)DU - MOBILE COMPUTING IN MEDICAL EDUCATION (IT - 09)