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Series Archive

image of a navy laptop with the name of the series and Graduate College and Academic Resource Center 9ARC) logo, yellow graduation cap on top

Fall 2023

Tips for Online Student Success

Wednesday, Oct. 11
5 to 6 p.m. EDT
Virtual via Zoom

Description: All graduate students, but especially those in online programs, benefit from academic survival skills. This workshop introduces strategies for time management and carving out a schedule; planning proactively by dissecting syllabi; boosting engagement/interaction in class; navigating group work; leveraging faculty office hours; and selecting the best study tools, etc.


Jonathan Deutsch, PHD, CHE, CRC
Quality Matters Coordinator
Professor and Director, Drexel Food Lab
Department of Food and Hospitality Management
College of Nursing & Health Professions

Allie Humphries
Assistant Director
Center for Learning and Academic Success Services (CLASS)

Deirdre McMahon, PhD
Assistant Dean of Online Education, Graduate College
Teaching Professor
Department of English & Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences

​Workshop Materials​:

Tips for Online Success Presentation [PDF]

Resources & Study Tools [PDF]

Team Contract Template from Carnegie Melon [Word]

Writing in Grad School: Things You Need to Know

Thursday, Nov. 9
5 to 6 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom

Description: As a graduate student, you’re coming into a whole new culture of writing. The assignments are big, the problems are complex, and the instruction is often minimal. But there are strategies you can learn that will help you unlock its mysteries. In this workshop, led by representatives of the Drexel Writing Center (DWC), we’ll introduce you to some of these strategies for success. And you’ll get to know our Graduate Writing Consultants (GWCs) who can keep working with you online and onsite throughout your graduate journey.


Elizabeth Kimball, PhD
Director, University Writing Program
Assistant Professor of English
Department of English & Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences

Workshop Materials:

Writing in Grad School Presentation [PDF]

Integrating Sources in Academic Writing: Support for Multilingual Graduate Writers

Thursday, Nov. 16
5 to 6 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom

Description: Are you a multilingual graduate writer struggling with integrating sources in your academic writing? If so, we're here to help! In this workshop, we will explore cross-cultural differences in academic integrity, learn effective source integration and citation to avoid plagiarism, and develop critical writing skills to generate and articulate novel ideas. We will also introduce you to ongoing resources for graduate writers. All graduate students are welcome!


Lisa DiMaio, EdD
Coordinator, Multilingual Learner Writing Resources
University Writing Program
Teaching Professor of English
Department of English & Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences

Workshop Materials:

Integrating Sources in Academic Writing Presentation [PDF]

Winter 2024

Writing Effective Resumes

Tuesday, Jan. 30
5 to 6 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom

Description: Did you know the average recruiter reviews a resume in about 5-15 seconds? Plus, many employers are now using AI software called Applicant Tracking System to screen out candidates! Learn how to write the resume that will get you interviews! Bring a resume draft—or just questions--to review improvements!


Ken Bohrer
Senior Career Counselor
Steinbright Career Development Center (SCDC)

Workshop Materials:

Writing an Effective Resume Presentation [PDF]

Action Verbs List [PDF]

For additional workshop offerings, visit the SCDC website. Learn more about graduate career services and career assessments.

Graduate Research Online: Accessing Journal Articles through the Drexel Libraries

Thursday, Feb. 15
5 to 6 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom

Description"How do I get my hands on that journal article?" seems to be a common source of confusion and frustration for students at all levels, across all disciplines, and is a particular concern for graduate students, especially those studying online or working remotely.

This "hands-on" online workshop will help graduate students identify which journals the library provides access to and how to access articles in those journals, and will recommend convenient tools that help graduate students keep track of the journal articles that they’re consulting for use in bibliographies/reference lists.

Join Drexel librarians, Sarah Hughes, MSLIS, MA, and Kathleen Turner, MLIS, to learn more about how Drexel Libraries can support you and can make your research process easier and more efficient.


Sarah Hughes, MSLIS, MA
Curricula Support Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Kathleen Turner, MLIS
Public Health Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Workshop Materials:

Accessing Journal Articles Agenda [PDF]

Accessing Journal Articles Presentation [PDF]

Accessing Journal Articles Resources [PDF]

Citation Management Tools

For additional workshop offerings, visit the Drexel Libraries website.

Networking Online: Tips for Building a Professional Profile

Wednesday, Feb. 21
5 to 6 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom

Description: According to Forbes, 70-80% of all open positions are not advertised and remain part of the "hidden job market" in which hiring managers and recruiters fill positions before they are ever posted. Because of this phenomenon, it is increasingly important to make connections and communicate with employers early on in the hiring process. To secure a position later on, it's an effective strategy to build your professional profile and network while pursuing your graduate degree and becoming an expert in your chosen field. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify organizations and opportunities to get involved, how to research industry professionals and potential best-fit companies, and how to maintain an active and up-to-date online presence.


Ken Bohrer
Senior Career Counselor
Steinbright Career Development Center (SCDC)

Workshop Materials:

Networking Online Presentation [PDF]

For additional workshop offerings, visit the SCDC website. Learn more about graduate career services and career assessments.

Spring 2024

Stepping Up Your Scholarly Research Skills: Databases & Search Strategies

Tuesday, April 30
5 to 6 p.m. EDT
Virtual via Zoom

Description: In this hands-on workshop, we’ll talk about turning your research question into a search strategy, and we will try out searching a few different databases; we’ll include a look at "citation searching" to identify key articles and to trace the development of ideas.


Sarah Hughes, MSLIS, MA
Curricula Support Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Kathleen Turner, MLIS
Public Health Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Workshop Materials:

Stepping Up Your Scholarly Research Skills Presentation [PDF]

Stepping Up Your Scholarly Research Skills Outline [PDF]

For additional workshop offerings, visit the Drexel Libraries website.

Work-Life Balance & Graduate Studies

Thursday, May 2
5 to 6 p.m. EDT

Description: Graduate study requires significant time and effort, which can sometimes make it difficult to balance your personal, professional, and academic commitments. Work-life balance, though, is key to academic and professional success. You’ve got this! Join Rebecca Signore, MA, Executive Director, Center for Learning and Academic Success Services (CLASS), and Deirdre McMahon, PhD, Assistant Dean of Online Education, Graduate College, to discuss strategies and resources for setting boundaries, managing your schedule, recharging, and supporting growth.


Rebecca Signore, MA
Executive Director
Center for Learning and Academic Success Services (CLASS)

Deirdre McMahon, PhD
Assistant Dean of Online Education, Graduate College
Teaching Professor
Department of English & Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences

Workshop Materials:

Work-Life Balance Presentation [PDF]

Work-Life Balance Resources & Study Tools [PDF]

Managing Time & Tasks - The 4 Quadrant Method from CLASS [Word]

Organizing Your Research: Citation Management with EndNote or Zotero

Thursday, May 9
5 to 6 p.m. EDT

Description: Save research time and effort! Take advantage of library citation management tools to organize and format your project. Drexel University Librarians, Sarah Hughes, MLIS, MA, and Kathleen Turner, MLIS, provide key no-nonsense tips on how to use EndNote or Zotero—your choice, provided by Drexel University—to keep and organize scholarly references and articles and to generate in-text citations and bibliographies in all major styles.


Sarah Hughes, MSLIS, MA
Curricula Support Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Kathleen Turner, MLIS
Public Health Librarian
Health Sciences Team
Drexel University Libraries

Workshop Materials:

Organizing Your Research Presentation [PDF]

Organizing Your Research with Zotero [PDF]

EndNote Guide [Word]

Zotero Guide [Word]

For additional workshop offerings, visit the ARC, Libraries, and SCDC websites.