Graduate Application Instructions
Thank you for your interest in Drexel University's graduate programs. Please carefully read these instructions and your program's requirements before submitting your application.
Helpful Tips
- Refer to Drexel's Gradute Admission Policies for details about admission standards and readmission.
- Request supporting documents such as transcripts, test scores, recommendation letters, and affidavits of support as soon as possible. They may take longer to receive than you expect.
- Put your student identification number, intended program of study, and date of birth on all correspondence with the University. It will be easier for the admission staff to quickly match your application materials with your file if this information is included.
- Send original copies of official test scores and transcripts. Please refer to Program Requirements and Deadlines for your program's requirements. Drexel's school code is 2194. Do not use departmental codes, and do not send scores to the academic department.
- For programs that have rolling admission, please note this means that completed applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis, not after a set deadline. Rolling admission means that applications are accepted until the class reaches capacity. A rolling admission policy encourages early submission of applications. Please refer to Program Requirements and Deadlines for your program's deadlines.
Admission Decisions
A decision cannot be rendered until all of the required application materials have been submitted. You will receive email notification that your file is complete upon receipt of all required documentation.
Check Your Application Status Online
During the admission process, you'll have the opportunity to check your admission status online. Once your application materials have been processed, you'll receive an email providing you with a Student ID and PIN that will give you access to Discover Drexel.
If you are offered admission to Drexel, be sure to review our information for Admitted Students.
Get in Touch
Want to learn more about graduate studies? Connect with an admissions representative to receive additional details.
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