Computer Science: Theoretical Foundations Research

Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science research at Drexel University's College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) explores the mathematical foundations of computing. CCI Computer Science research includes application domains such as algorithmic game theory, approximation algorithms, object recognition and computer vision, algorithmic fairness, programming languages, and computer algebra. CCI Computer Science faculty regularly publish in the top conferences in theoretical computer science (such as ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, and ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) as well as the top conferences of the respective sub-areas (such as EC, PLDI, AAAI, IJCAI, and ICML) and interdisciplinary journals. Our Computer Science faculty work closely with students and runs the weekly theory reading group, which brings together faculty with graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, to discuss a variety of topics in theoretical computer science.

Associated Faculty

  • Mark Boady: Computer algebra, computations theory, concurrent programming, quantum computers

  • Joseph Alejandro Gallego Mejia: Computer Vision, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Quantum Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing. Teaching courses: Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Data Science, Machine Learning, GNU/Linux Tools, Natural Language Processing, Non-sqlDatabases, Scrum, Advance Python, Deep Learning, Machine Learning Operations, Large Language Models

  • Vasilis Gkatzelis: Algorithmic mechanism design, multiagent resource allocation, approximation algorithms

  • Colin Gordon: Programming languages and formal methods, type and effect systems, program verification for operating system kernels, and computational linguistics

  • Shahin Jabbari: Machine learning, algorithmic fairness, game theory

  • Jeremy Johnson: Computer algebra, design and analysis of algorithms, programming languages and compilers, automated performance tuning, algorithms for DSP, parallel processing, and high-performance computing

  • Feng Liu: AI + X: Education; Healthcare. 3D Computer Vision: 3D object/scene understanding; 3D generation; VR/AR; 3D vision+language understanding. 3D Human Digitization: Modeling, reconstruction and rendering; Biomechanics. Generative AI: Explainability, generalization and controllability in generative models; DeepFake detection. Biometric Recognition: Face and gait recognition; Person re-identification

  • Yusuf Osmanlioglu: Graph theory, combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, computational neuroscience, connectomics

  • Emmanouil Pountourakis: Algorithmic mechanism design

  • Ali Shokoufandeh: Theory of algorithms, graph theory, combinatorial optimization, computer vision

Associated PhDs

  • Steve Earth: Computer Science education, proof systems, formal verification and languages

  • Marius Garbea: Algorithmic Game Theory, Theoretical Computer Science

  • Joel Pepper: Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Bio-inspired Computing, Computational Biology

  • Xizhi Tan: Algorithmic Game Theory

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