Philly Codefest 2025 will take place March 1-2, 2025 at CCI
About Philly Codefest 2025
Philly Codefest is a free software and hardware hackathon that encourages attendees to develop innovative solutions that help solve real world challenges. This year's theme, "AI in Industry," presents exciting opportunities for sponsors and participants to explore how AI can revolutionize different sectors, including Manufacturing & Automation, Entertainment & Media, Healthcare, Energy & Utilities, Retail & e-Commerce, Financial Services, Transportation, Education & EdTech, Insurance and more.
Register for Philly Codefest
Become a Sponsor of Philly Codefest
Is your company or organization interested in getting involved in next year's Philly Codefest? Check out our sponsorship menu that offers many options to participate in Codefest, promote your company and engage with attendees. Email for more information.
Learn More About Sponsoring Codefest
What Is A Hackathon?
A hackathon, also called a codefest, is a collaborative programming competition that brings together students and professionals for a short period of time to build websites, apps, or hardware. Philly Codefest is a hackathon Philadelphia tech professionals and students alike are eligible to compete in, and it brings together coders, programmers, developers, and designers of all different skill levels.
Learn more about previous Philly Codefests and our history
What Happens At Our Hackathon
Presented by the College of Computing & Informatics (CCI), Philly Codefest is a free software and hardware hackathon in Philadelphia that encourages students and professionals from all experience levels and backgrounds to work together to develop innovative solutions to help solve real world challenges.
With no coding experience required, Philly Codefest is open to everyone, regardless of coding experience — just bring your creativity to Drexel CCI's annual hackathon! Attendees will form teams to work on projects, and then will present their final creations to a panel of judges — comprised of Drexel faculty, sponsors and respected members of the Philadelphia tech community — for a chance to win awesome prizes.
Philly Codefest's mission, to make the world a better place through technology, echoes CCI's commitment to forge and foster lasting relationships among students, professionals, tech leaders, start-ups and corporations. Drexel's annual hackathon leverages the already strong tech community in the Greater Philadelphia area to create one of the largest and most dynamic hackathons in the region.
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