Kevin Murray

Associate Director, Undergraduate Admissions

Kevin Murray is an Associate Director in Undergraduate Admissions at Drexel as well as an alumnus. He spends his free time drinking coffee and thinking about where in the world he wants to travel next.


Alumni Insight Drexel — Ever Changing and Evolving
A Drexel alum and current undergrad admissions representative shares how they've witnessed Drexel grow and continue to prepare students to flourish in our ever-evolving world.
Questions and Answers Advantages of a Gap Year
Hear from an admissions representative about what a gap year is and the types of experiences typically included.
Student Lifestyle Welcome Week: Exploring Your New Home
Drexel's Welcome Week is your chance to explore all of the resources and opportunities available to you at Drexel and in Philadelphia without all of the pressure of classes; get to know University City and your new home.
Student Lifestyle Housing and Residence Life at Drexel
Drexel offers a variety of housing options meant to meet the needs and interests of all students.