Learn About the Pennoni Honors College

Having that Honors distinction on your diploma or résumé is great and all, but what about an immersive, intellectual experience throughout your Drexel undergraduate years? Doesn't that sound a little better?
The Pennoni Honors College and the Honors Program is home to a vibrant liberal arts education in the middle of a STEM-driven research institution. The College offers a Custom-Designed major, houses our Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs, and stewards the Honors Program — offered to students all across the academic spectrum. Let's dive deeper into what the Honors College has to offer.
Drexel's Custom-Designed major gives students with a unique academic interest the opportunity to design their curriculum and match their vision for what their education can be. It may include majors that are not accessible at Drexel or grant an opportunity to combine two existing majors. Some of my favorite recent examples are: Deliberate and Compassionate Game Design, Sustainable Development, and Ethical Fashion and Fibers. The major offers students the opportunity for research experience; incorporates Drexel's cooperative education, or co-op, program; and culminates in an original, interdisciplinary senior-year project. You can read more Student Bios in the Custom-Designed Program.
The Honors Program is a collection of interdisciplinary coursework, social and academic programming, a living-learning community, and so much more.
Naturally paired with interdisciplinary studies, Pennoni also houses the Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs dedicated to scholarly enrichment for the entire campus, the Aspire Scholars program, and all national and international fellowships. The Aspire Scholars program is a great way for like-minded students to clarify and develop their goals with a community of peers and mentors. Darrell Omo Lamai, a 2019–2020 Aspire Scholar, has an interest in the interrelation of different technical fields in order to solve complex problems, which matches really well with the work of other Aspire Scholars from across the University. Darrell and many other students started their deeper look into academic exploration through Drexel's STAR Scholars program. STAR, housed in the Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs, stands for Students Tackling Advanced Research. The program is an opportunity for highly motivated first-year students to engage early in their academic career in faculty-mentored research. The program is a paid position, includes on-campus housing for the summer term, and leads to a presentation during the annual STAR Scholars Summer Showcase. Many STAR scholars will continue to do research throughout their time at the University, and even showcase or present at national and international research symposiums.
At the end of this non-exhaustive list of offerings is the Honors Program. The Honors Program is a collection of interdisciplinary coursework, social and academic programming, a living-learning community, and so much more. The program offers students the opportunity to take unique and different coursework like X-Men, Exploring East Asian Culture Through Dance, Knowledge and Injustice, and many more. These small-group, discussion-based courses give students the opportunity to engage with other students, no matter their major, on a wide variety of topics meant to make you think and help you explore something new. This coursework is complemented by a wide range of student organizations, an energetic living-learning community in Bentley Hall, and many events ranging from Dean's Teas to Ticket Tuesdays, giving you the opportunity to experience cultural events throughout the city of Philadelphia and beyond. The Honors Program is more than just a distinguishing feature on your résumé, it is the opportunity to diversify and better your learning experience at Drexel.
The Pennoni Honors College and its programs give students the opportunity to take their living and learning to the next level and explore the academic side of their college years in a different way.
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104