Emergency Resources
Emergency Notification System
Drexel Guardian App

At Drexel University, the health and safety of our students is our number one priority. That's why there are several emergency services set up to ensure that Drexel students have a clear plan of action and receive assistance in every circumstance. The following numbers are important to have in case you ever find yourself in an urgent situation.
Experiencing an Emergency?

Call Public Safety at 215.895.2222 or 911. (TTY: 215.571.4141)

Call the Counseling Center's support line at 215.416.3337 and speak with one of their on-call professional counselors. You can also text "Hello" to 741741 for assistance via the Crisis Text Line.

Call the Office of Equality and Diversity at 215.895.1405 or email OED@drexel.edu.

Weather-Related Closings and Delayed Openings
In the event of a closing or delay to the daily opening of a campus, the University will provide the notice on drexel.edu and the DrexelALERT system. Students in clinical settings should always contact their clinical supervisors/clinical instructors to determine if they should report. Drexel University physicians remain open and maintain normal business hours regardless of weather.
Other Important Phone Numbers
From taking advantage of Drexel's Walking and Medical Escorts to contacting Victim Services, the following phone numbers are important to have easily accessible.
Office | Phone Number |
Walking and Medical Escorts | 215.895.2222 |
Queen Lane Campus Security Office | 215.991.8102 |
The Academy of Natural Sciences Security Office | 215.299.1019 |
Victim Services Coordinator | 215.895.6921 |
Environmental Health and Safety | 215.895.5919 |
Student Health Center | 215.220.4700 |

Additional Resources
Below is a list of resources available to all Drexel students focused on their needs.
- The Drexel Counseling Center offers a variety of resources and services for students to take advantage of. Their services include peer support and confidential counseling available both virtually and in person. Make an appointment or call 215.895.1415 whenever you need help.
- From Drexel's Meal Swipe Donation Program to Mario's Market, a food pantry in Rush Building working to combat food insecurity — Drexel has ways to help students so that they can succeed without having to worry about food.
- Drexel embraces the ideological, intellectual, economic, gender, ability, sexual identity, religious, age, racial, cultural, ethnic, national and all differences of our students, faculty, staff and alumni. That is why Drexel's Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy and Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy provide prompt, thorough, confidential, and respectful processes for handling and investigating complaints of discrimination, harassment, and misconduct, including sexual assault (prohibited by Title IX).
- Drexel University's Department of Public Safety provides 24/7 police, security, and fire safety services for the Dragon community. To reach out to a particular Public Safety staff member, visit their contact directory and navigate to the personnel you would like to connect to.
- As part of the enrollment process, all students agree to read and uphold a code of high standards of behavior to help guide them through their decision making, outlined in the Code of Conduct. At Drexel, we seek to create a culture of trust and care paired with safety and responsibility while reducing any barriers that would prevent students from seeking assistance. That is why the Responsible Dragon Amnesty policy (RDAP) was created — never hesitate to seek help for someone who needs it out of fear of getting in trouble.