DrexelALERT Logo

Drexel University employs DrexelALERT, an emergency notification system that provides fast dissemination of critical information to students, faculty and professional staff. Within minutes, DrexelALERT allows the Department of Public Safety to send alerts through text messaging, phone and email to numerous devices. This system provides the Drexel community with an additional layer of security and protection for emergency response.

The effectiveness of this emergency notification system depends upon individuals providing accurate and up-to-date personal contact information. At the start of each term, students, faculty and professional staff are asked to confirm and update contact information when they log in to DrexelOne. (Please note: New incoming students will begin to receive alerts approximately six weeks before the start of their first term.)

To confirm your contact information:

  • Log in to DrexelOne.
  • Select the Welcome tab in the main menu bar.
  • Select DrexelALERT under the Safety, Security and Support header.
  • Update your contact information and select Submit.

DrexelALERT provides emergency information regarding potential threats to the Drexel community. Examples of these are: armed suspect on the loose, active fire or credible bomb threat. An "all clear" message will be sent once the emergency situation is stabilized and it is deemed safe to resume normal activity. DrexelALERT notifies the community of real-time potential threats, not general public safety incidents that may not amount to an ongoing threat.

Additional SMS/Text Message Advisories

The Department of Public Safety may use DrexelALERT for three additional types of advisories:

  • Public Safety ADVISORY is a message for incidents that may impact University operations, such as a facility power outage or traffic disruptions.
  • Public Health ADVISORY is a message regarding potential health concerns, such as the H1N1 virus or a meningitis outbreak.
  • Campus Weather ADVISORY is a message announcing severe weather, such as a snowstorm, in which the University may delay or cancel classes and/or operations.

Sign Up for City Alerts With ReadyPhiladelphia

The Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management has an alert system called ReadyPhiladelphia, which anyone can sign up for to receive updates and advisories about emergency updates, road closures, severe weather advisories and transit delays for the city overall. To receive text alerts, simply text "ReadyPhila" to 888-777. You can also read more information and sign up on the City of Philadelphia website.

Frequently Asked Questions