Conduct Policies
Academic Integrity
Drexel University's Academic Integrity Policy prohibits the following types of misconduct: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and academic misconduct. To gain a complete understanding of the Academic Integrity standards, review the Academic Integrity Policy.
Acceptable Use Policy (IT-1)
Drexel University's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) sets forth the standards by which all students, faculty, professional staff, and authorized guests (Users) may use their assigned computer accounts, email services, and the shared Drexel University network. The use of Drexel's computer and network resources including all electronic communication systems and equipment (Drexel Network) is a revocable privilege.
Users may not engage in the copying, distributing, altering, or translating of copyrighted materials, software, music, or other media without the express permission of the copyright holder. Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy will be adjudicated through the Student Conduct Process.
The Acceptable Use Policy (IT-1) contains principles, requirements, and prohibitions that all Student users must comply with. Students should read the full Acceptable Use Policy.
Violations of the University Alcohol Policy include, but are not limited to:
- Consumption, possession, or purchase of alcohol by persons under the age of 21.
- Behavior that results in intoxication, disorderliness, or disruptive behavior resulting from the use of alcohol, regardless of the student's age.
- Giving alcohol to underage persons or providing a space for the consumption of alcohol by underage persons. Directing, requiring, or encouraging underage persons to be in a space where alcohol is easily accessible may be considered a violation of this Policy.
- Possession or use of bulk containers and/or objects that would promote binge drinking, including, but not limited to: kegs, funnels, beverage coolers, drinking games with alcohol, or any other tools that would promote binge drinking.
- Students under the age of 21 are not permitted to possess empty alcohol containers at any time for any reason, including decorative purposes.
- Simulated drinking games are prohibited regardless of whether alcohol is used.
- Student Organizations hosting approved events with alcohol are expected to adhere to the University’s Events with Alcohol Policy and all relevant University requirements.
- Hosts of social events involving alcohol should also review the Social Host Policy.
Students and Student Organizations should familiarize themselves with the Responsible Dragon Amnesty Policy (RDAP) and how amnesty of this Policy can apply if conditions are met during a medical emergency. Student Conduct has the final determination on the application of RDAP to any policy violation.
Students living in residence facilities must also comply with the additional Policies listed on Residential Facilities Policies.
Camping or Shelter Construction
Constructing shelters, camping, or sleeping on any property where that is already prohibited, or on or in Drexel-owned or operated properties, is prohibited at all times unless otherwise authorized by the Department of Public Safety.
Encouraging, assisting, conspiring, hiring, or being an accessory in any way to any prohibited unlawful conduct will be considered a violation of this Policy.
Destruction of Property
- Damage, attempted damage, or participating in the damaging of property belonging to or in the care of the University, a member of the University community, or a campus visitor is prohibited.
- Acts of vandalism on and off campus will be considered a violation of this Policy.
- Damage that is caused accidentally must be promptly reported to Public Safety or Housing and Residence Life if the damage occurs in a residential facility. Failure to report significant accidental damages in a timely manner will be considered a violation of this Policy.
- Use of non-water soluble, semi-permanent, and permanent substances, including spray chalk, on any University surface, without approval may be considered destruction of property.
Students living in residence facilities must also comply with the additional Policies listed on Residential Facilities Policies.
Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy (CR-1)
The University is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment for all University community members. The University prohibits discrimination and harassment against individuals based on protected categories. These protected categories include, but are not limited to: race, color, religion, gender (sex), pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, identity and expression, and veteran status.
All complaints of discrimination, harassment, and bias retaliation should be reported to the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture, who may work in conjunction with Student Conduct for resolution.
Please view the incident reporting page for information on how to report to EIC.
The full Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy (CR-1) can be found on the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture's Policy page.
Dishonesty/Falsification of Information
One of Drexel's core values is integrity. The University expects Students and Student Organizations to behave in accordance with this core value and to not knowingly mislead fellow Students, University Officials, or community members. Dishonesty and falsification of information are prohibited. These actions can take many forms. The following examples are intended to provide clarity, but this list is not exhaustive:
- Lying or providing false information to the University or to a University Official.
- Awareness of false information being provided by others and not correcting the information.
- Withholding information from University Officials.
- Altering or misusing any official documents or University resources including, but not limited to: grade change forms, academic transcripts, admissions applications, course change forms, course withdraw forms, evaluation forms, or electronic resources.
- Altering or possessing an altered identification card of any form (fake ID).
- Counterfeiting, forging, or fabricating official documents personally or through a third party.
- Issuing a bad check or payment to the University.
- Providing false information or failing to provide current information to Drexel University or other parties.
- Using a third party to submit applications, transcripts, or other official documents to the University or other parties can be considered a violation of this Policy.
Disorderly Conduct
Behavior that disturbs the peace, academic study, or sleep of others both on or off campus is prohibited.
Disorderly Conduct in Class/Research Settings
Examples of disorderly conduct as it pertains to class/research settings either in person or virtual may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Excessively leaving and entering a classroom without authorization.
- Making loud or distracting noises.
- Sharing excessive or inappropriate comments or images.
- Persistently speaking without being recognized, such that it interferes with the learning environment.
- Repeatedly dominating online discussion boards or forums, such that it interferes with the learning environment.
- Making personal insults.
Students are responsible to comply with a reasonable request from a professor, instructor, or other University official regarding appropriate behavior.
Disorderly Conduct Outside of Class/Research Settings
Examples of disorderly conduct as it pertains to settings outside of class/research include, but are not limited to the following:
- Excessive noise.
- Lewd or indecent conduct.
- Throwing, dropping, or projecting any object or substance, (including spit or other bodily fluids), that has the potential for causing damage to property, injury, or disruption.
- Inappropriate interference with the ability of others to enter, use, or exit any University facility, service, or activity.
- Intentionally and inappropriately interfering with the freedom of expression or movement of others.
- Interfering with a University activity such as recreation, meetings, and public events.
Disorderly conduct at gatherings on or off campus will be considered a violation of this Policy.
Various student activity programs require the use of sound amplification equipment. The University reserves the right to specify where and when such amplification equipment may be used. Permission and specification for use of sound amplification equipment for on-campus programs must be obtained from Event Services.
The possession and/or use of narcotics or drugs other than those medically prescribed, properly used, properly secured, and in the original container (hereafter: Drugs) is prohibited. Drugs and Drug paraphernalia will be confiscated if found on University property. Paraphernalia is defined as anything used to consume/distribute/handle/prepare/use drugs.
Violations of the University Drug Policy include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Consumption, possession, purchase, sale, distribution, or use of Drugs, including medically prescribed marijuana.
- Suspicious odor accompanied by visual confirmation of materials often associated with drug use.
- Inhaling or ingesting substances (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint, etc.) that will alter a person's mental state.
- Disruptive conduct due in part or in whole to being under the influence of Drugs.
- Giving Drugs to another person(s).
- Providing a space for the consumption of Drugs.
- Possession or use of any and all types of Drug paraphernalia including, but not limited to: scales, baggies, stems, bongs, pens, pipes, water pipes, grinders, or any items modified or adapted, that can be used to consume/distribute/handle/prepare/use Drugs are not permitted on University property. This list is not exhaustive.
- Failing a drug test, required by a University program or activity, including drug tests required by co-op employers, clinical placements, or required pre-screening for an academic or professional program, may be considered a violation of this policy.
Students and Student Organizations should familiarize themselves with the Responsible Dragon Amnesty Policy (RDAP) and how amnesty of this Policy can apply if conditions are met during a medical emergency. Student Conduct has the final determination on the application of RDAP to any Policy violation.
Drexel University must comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Accordingly, all Drugs that are illegal under federal law, including medical marijuana, are not permitted on campus.
Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with any reasonable request or appropriate directive from a University official, or with any disciplinary conditions imposed by an authorized University official or group, is prohibited.
Violations of any University Policy, rule, or regulation published in hard copy or electronically available on the University’s website is a violation of this Policy.
- Failure to identify oneself or cooperate with campus safety personnel, residential facilities staff, or other University officials is also considered to be a violation of this Policy.
- Additionally, Students must comply with public authorities acting in performance of their duties.
Fire Safety
High-occupancy buildings such as residence halls, classroom buildings, and laboratories carry a heightened risk regarding fire safety. For this reason, Drexel strictly prohibits behaviors that could pose a fire risk on campus. The following behaviors or actions constitute a violation of the University's Fire Safety Policy. This list is not exhaustive.
- Not evacuating a building in a timely manner when a fire alarm sounds.
- Setting a fire on University property without prior authorization.
- Tampering with fire safety equipment such as, but not limited to, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, heat sensors, or sprinklers is prohibited.
- Making a false fire report, warning, or threat of fire by any means of communication is prohibited.
- Any improper use of a flame or lit objects and smoke- or vapor-producing objects including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, candles, incense, etc., will be considered a violation of this Policy.
- Vaping or the use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in all University facilities.
- The use and/or possession of fireworks, smoke bombs, dangerous chemicals, explosive or flammable fuels, bottle rockets, or explosives is prohibited on University property. This list is not exhaustive.
- In accordance with Philadelphia ordinances, smoking of any kind is prohibited within 20 feet of any entrance, exit, operable window, or air intake of a University facility, including sidewalks and thoroughfares.
- Smoking of any kind is prohibited in all outdoor Smoke-Free designated areas, including outdoor athletic/recreation facilities, and during all University-sponsored outdoor events.
Students living in residence facilities must also comply with the additional Policies listed on Residential Facilities Policies.
Students are expected to abide by the federal and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania laws prohibiting illegal gambling. Gambling for money or other things of value on campus or at University-sponsored activities is prohibited, except as permitted by law.
Drexel University Students are responsible for the guests they invite, bring, or host on campus. The behavior of guests on campus will be attributed to their Drexel Host at all times.
Guests are required to provide an acceptable form of identification with a photo (driver's license or university/college/school ID) when requested by a University official.
Additional policies apply for guests can be found on Residential Facilities Policies.
Drexel University Student Organizations (e.g., registered student organizations, club, intramural and athletic teams, other student groups, and other persons associated with an organization) and individual Students are prohibited from hazing.
Drexel University does not tolerate hazing. Any registered student organization, club intramural and athletic team, other student group, and other persons associated with an organization found responsible for Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing under this Policy, whether occurring on- or off-campus, may face disciplinary action from the University, and may also face criminal charges under state law, including The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law, C.S. § 2801, et seq.
The purpose of this Policy is to explain how Drexel University defines hazing, identifies how the University will enforce this Policy, and identifies resources for reporting violations of this Policy. This Policy applies to any acts of Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing occurring on- or off-campus.
Drexel University adheres to The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law. The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law defines hazing to include: Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, and Organizational Hazing. Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, and Organizational Hazing (defined below) are each prohibited by Drexel University's Policy. It shall not be a defense that the consent of a Student was sought or obtained. It is also not a defense that the conduct was sanctioned or approved by the Organization.
Hazing: A person commits the offense of Hazing if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting, or affiliating a Student into or with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a Student's membership or status in an organization, causes, coerces, or forces a Student to do any of the items listed below (1-6). Hazing shall NOT include reasonable and customary athletic, law enforcement, or military training, contests, competitions, or events.
- Violate federal or state criminal law;
- Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance which subjects the Student to a risk of emotional or physical harm;
- Endure brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, or exposure to the elements;
- Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment;
- Endure brutality of a sexual nature;
- Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the Student.
Aggravated Hazing: A person commits the offense of Aggravated Hazing if the person commits a violation of Hazing that results in serious bodily injury or death to the Student; and
- The person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of the Student; or
- The person causes, coerces, or forces the consumption of an alcoholic liquid or Drug by the Student.
Organizational Hazing: An organization commits the offense of Organizational Hazing if the organization intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly promotes or facilitates a violation of Hazing or Aggravated Hazing.
In compliance with state law, as described above, Drexel University will consider any action taken or situation created as a part of initiating, promoting, fostering, or confirming any form of affiliation in a Student Organization that meets any of the following criteria to be a violation of this policy:
- Violates city, state, or federal laws.
- Violates any Code of Conduct policy.
- Humiliates or degrades an individual or group.
- Endangers an individual or group mentally, physically, or emotionally.
The observation of Hazing activities by individuals or groups in a position to intervene but who fail to intervene, or failing to report acts of Hazing, will be considered violations of the Hazing Policy. Aiding or assisting another Student to engage in any Hazing activity is prohibited.
Retaliating in any manner against any individual who reports hazing or who participates in an investigation of a hazing report is prohibited.
The University's Hazing Policy covers a range of hazing behaviors. The following actions and situations are examples of prohibited behaviors that may constitute hazing. Drexel University may consider any of the following behaviors under the definitions of Hazing provided by The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law (see above). This list is not exhaustive.
Psychological Hazing
- Activities or behaviors that create a power differential and unhealthy dynamics between new/prospective members and existing members
- Deception
- Interference with academic pursuits
- Name-calling
- Line-ups and/or berating
- Personal servitude
- Sexual simulations
- Threats or implied threats
Physical Hazing
- Assignment of duties or tasks not assigned to other members
- Exposure to unsafe environments
- Forcing another person into a shower against their will
- Forced bondage
- Forced branding, tattooing, piercing, or otherwise changing physical appearances
- Forced consumption of food, alcohol, drugs, liquids, or vile substances
- Forced or coerced sexual activity
- Forced dress codes
- Forced greetings or titles
- Games or activities that would cause extreme embarrassment or violate city, state, or federal laws
- Kidnapping or abandonment
- Paddling and other physical assault
- Physical or psychological shocks
- Sleep or food deprivation
- Social isolation
- Subjecting others to unnecessary physical activities such as calisthenics, exercises, or games
- Wearing apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste
Reporting Hazing
Drexel University encourages all members of the University community who believe they have witnessed, experienced, or are aware of conduct that constitutes Hazing, Aggravated Hazing or Organizational Hazing, in violation of this Policy, to report the violation by:
- Completing an online report using the Portal for Incident Reporting
- Emailing
- Calling the Student Conduct office directly at 215.895.6074
- Requesting a meeting with a Student Conduct staff member
- Contacting Drexel University Police at 215.895.2222 (in the event of an emergency, contact the police immediately)
The report should include the following information, if available:
- Name(s) of the Student or Student Organization alleged to have violated the Code of Conduct.
- A description of the incident.
- Names and contact information of witnesses (if applicable).
- Names and contact information of the person(s) filing the report.
Student Organization/team members and officers should immediately report any hazing incidents that occur within their Organization to Student Conduct & Care. Failing to report a known hazing incidents may result in disciplinary action for the organization.
The enforcement of this policy can be found in Section 10: Case Resolution and Investigation Processes of the Code.
Sanction guidelines for violations of this policy can be found in Section 11: Sanctions of the Code.
Students and Student Organizations should familiarize themselves with the Responsible Dragon Amnesty Policy (RDAP) at the beginning of Section 5 and how amnesty of this policy can apply if conditions are met during a medical emergency. Student Conduct has the final determination on the application of RDAP to any policy violation.
Drexel University will maintain a report of all violations of this Policy or of federal or state laws related to Hazing that are reported to the University. This report will be updated biannually on January 1 and August 1 and Drexel University will post the updated report on its publicly accessible website.
Students or Student Organizations can also refer to some of the following online sources for guidance on developing new membership processes that do not involve Hazing activity:
- 100 Ways to Create Good Members Without Hazing [PDF] – Developed by a university Director of Fraternity/Sorority Life & Leadership Development, this list provides helpful ideas for recruitment that do not include hazing.
- Alternatives to Hazing to Promote Group Bonding [PDF] – Constructed by Cornell University, this guide provides alternative strategies for establishing group unity.
Interference with Student Conduct Process
Any interference with the University's Student Conduct Process is prohibited.
Examples of interference include, but are not limited to:
- Falsifying or misrepresenting information
- Destroying or concealing evidence
- Pressuring involved parties (including witnesses, complainants, and respondents) to withhold or falsify information
Intimidating conduct that would cause a reasonable person to feel as though there was an imminent threat to their health (mental or physical), safety, or personal property of themselves or someone else is prohibited under this Policy.
Engaging in conduct, including any gesture; written, verbal, or physical act; or any electronic communication (which includes emails, text messages, and Internet postings on websites or other social media) that is severe or pervasive and that it could reasonably be understood to substantially disrupt or interfere with the rights of a Student or any other member of the University community will result in disciplinary action.
Law and Policy Compliance
Violations of any federal, state, and city laws and ordinances are considered to be a violation of this Policy.
Students have an ongoing obligation to notify the University of any conviction, a plea of no contest, acceptance of responsibility, or acceptance of sanctions for a crime or civil infraction (other than a minor traffic offense) in local (city or township), state, or federal court if the underlying behavior impacts the University community, regardless of location, within thirty (30) calendar days of the occurrence of the conviction. Detailed documentation should be submitted electronically to
Failure to meet financial obligations with respect to University funds, or conducting any financial transaction with the University unlawfully or unethically, is prohibited.
Disposing of waste of any kind in or near any building owned or operated by Drexel, except in receptacles provided for that purpose, is prohibited. Additionally, overturning receptacles used for trash or recycling will be considered a violation of this Policy. For students living off campus in Philadelphia, failing to adhere to city residential trash and recycling rules could be considered a violation of this policy.
Generally, students are not allowed to bring any pet/animal, regardless of ownership, into any University-owned or -operated building, or chain an animal outside any University-owned building.
All animals that can be leashed must be kept on a leash at all times while on campus. Animals that cannot be leashed must be securely contained at all times while on campus.
All actions of, or damage caused by, any animal will be the responsibility of the owner and/or the guardian at the time of the incident.
For information about service or assistance animals, please refer to the University's Service and Assistance Animal Policy (ODR-2) on the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture's Policy page. Failure to comply with the Service and Assistance Animal Policy (ODR-2) guidelines may be a violation of this Policy.
If a student's service or assistance animal engages in disruptive or destructive behavior, the student may face disciplinary action and may be required to remove the animal from campus. Students may be billed for reported damages or cleanliness concerns resulting from their assistance animals.
Flyers and posters may only be hung throughout the campus on approved posting locations. All materials for posting must be stamped for approval prior to distribution. Posting approval for the University, including the residence halls, is maintained by Student Life located in Rush Building and the Creese Student Center.
Advertisements or postings should not refer to or promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or Drug use. Any materials that constitute unlawful obscenity are prohibited, including violations of state or federal law. Postings that contain language or material that violates any University policies, including the University Non-Discrimination Policy, are also prohibited. "Post It" notes, writings on whiteboards and other handmade postings may be considered under this policy.
Affixing or physically attaching written or printed materials or other items to any on campus or on University property, including but not limited to indoor/outdoor art installations or statues, is prohibited.
Light projections on any University buildings or structures, without permission, may be considered a violation of this policy.
Postings not approved by the appropriate University personnel will be removed immediately and the student or student organization responsible that posted said flyers may be subject to disciplinary action.
Approved posting locations are subject to change and will be updated, as appropriate, on Student Center Services
Privacy and Electronic Media Violations
The misuse of electronic media devices, systems, or methods ("hacking") is prohibited, including but not limited to using mobile phones, tablets, data storage devices, cameras, printers, computers, computer lines/networks, or computing facilities in ways that:
- Make or disseminate an audio, photo, or video record of any person(s) without prior knowledge or effective consent where a reasonable person would find the audio, photo, or video inappropriate or to be private based on the image depicted or the context in which it is displayed, or where the audio, photo, or video was made in violation of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania laws.
- Refusing to stop and/or delete recording upon request either when the recording is made or discovered.
- Alter or access another's phone voice mailbox, website, social media accounts, or other online presence without permission or creating social media accounts for someone without permission.
Drexel University prohibits any member of the community from retaliating against any person for raising good faith concerns about student behavior that may violate the Code of Conduct. Retaliation is defined as any adverse action taken against a person in response to that person's participation in the conduct process including, but not limited to, the following:
- Reporting an incident of alleged misconduct
- Filing a complaint with EIC, Student Conduct, or any other Drexel department
- Cooperating in an inquiry or investigation
- Participating in any of the University's complaint resolution processes in any capacity
- Participating as a Board member on a University Hearing or Appeal Board
Retaliation can include a wide variety of behaviors. Examples of retaliation behavior include, but are not limited to:
- Stalking, harassment, bullying, intimidation, threats, or engaging in physical violence
- Adverse employment action (termination, reduction in pay, etc.)
- Adverse action related to educational opportunities, such as changing grades, class schedule, or co-op participation
- Adverse social actions, such as exclusion or removal from a living community, Student Organization, or committee, or publishing personally identifiable information about an individual, including on websites or social media sites
- Encouraging or asking others to engage in retaliatory behavior on one's behalf
This Policy applies for retaliation behavior by Students. Allegations of retaliation by faculty or staff should be directed to the faculty or staff member's supervisor or human resources.
Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (CR-2)
The University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, including discrimination based on sex and/or gender. Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are considered forms of sex discrimination. The University will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual abuse, stalking, intimate partner violence, and other forms of non-consensual sexual conduct.
The University encourages any individual who has been affected by sexual harassment or gender-based harassment or misconduct to immediately report the incident(s) giving rise to such concerns.
Please view the incident reporting page for information on how to report to EIC.
Students are required to review and understand the full definition and scope of the University's Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy (CR-2) found on the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture's Policy page.
Solicitations and sales are not permitted without proper authorization from University officials.
Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited at all times, including distributing anything underneath doors of residence halls or other University rooms. Students are prohibited from using University facilities for business purposes of any nature without proper authorization from a University official.
The most simplistic definition of theft is "an unlawful taking." Drexel University expects Students to respect the property or services of others at all times. Violations of the University's Theft Policy include, but are not limited to:
- Taking, attempting to take, or assisting in the taking of money, property, services, identity, or any item of value for which they do not have rightful possession.
- Using property or services without proper authorization or permission.
- Knowing, possessing, retaining, or disposing of any stolen property even if there is intent to return the property.
Unauthorized/Access Entry
Unauthorized access or entry to, into, or onto any property owned or operated by the University or any private or restricted property is prohibited, including but not limited to:
- Gaining access to residential facilities without following established procedures.
- Using emergency exits in non-emergency situations.
- Remaining in a University building after the building has closed. The University prohibits access to windows, roofs, balconies, railings, ledges, and fire escapes of all University-owned or -operated buildings.
Unauthorized Use of University Property or Documents
Students are expected to utilize University property and documents expressly for purposes that they are entitled to. Examples of a violation of the Unauthorized Use of University Property or Documents Policy include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Use, possession, or sale of a University ID card to obtain entry or services to which a person is not entitled. Examples include, but are not limited to using another person's University ID for entry to Residential Facilities, the DAC, the Dining Hall, the Libraries, and other ID-required buildings/facilities.
- Use, possession, or sale of a parking tag that was not specifically issued to the Student.
- Possession, duplication, or sale of any University keys not specifically issued to the Student.
- Unauthorized use of University documents, records, or information.
- Use of official University property or services for personal use or for use other than originally intended.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) are prohibited from being operated inside or near University facilities, including residence halls.
Students must comply with the City of Philadelphia and Federal Aviation Administration regulations related to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).
Physical violence or threatened physical violence against another person or group is prohibited. Responding to violence with violence may also be a violation of this Policy, unless such violence is a direct response of reasonable self-defense. In the event of any emergency, Students are encouraged to call Public Safety at 215.895.2222.
The possession of weapons on University property or at University-sponsored events is prohibited. Students should not keep, use, possess, transport, or display the following list of weapons. This list is not exhaustive.
- 3-D printed weapons
- Airsoft rifles/pistols
- Ammunition, including rounds, casings, shells, clips, magazines, cartridges, and paint pellets
- Bows, crossbows, and arrows
- Brass knuckles
- Dangerous knives (for example: switchblades or any knife with a blade over 3” that is not designed or used for food preparation or eating)
- Decorative swords
- Guns (handguns, shotguns, semi-automatic weapons, automatic weapons, rifles, etc.)
- Lethal or dangerous device capable of causing injury
- Makeshift weapons
- Pellet or BB guns
- Projectile weapons triggered by air, gas, explosion, or mechanical means
- Rifles
- Stun guns or Tasers
Inappropriate use of a permitted item, such as a knife under 3”, mace or pepper spray, or a martial art weapon, is not allowed and may be considered a violation of the Weapons policy.
Realistic facsimiles of weapons are also specifically prohibited. The ROTC is authorized to store, transport, and use firearms when engaging in University-authorized or ROTC-authorized activities. Student Organizations or Club Sports teams utilizing realistic facsimiles should consult with Student Life or Campus Recreation professional staff regarding proper storage, transportation, and use of facsimiles when engaging in University-authorized activities.
Students who wish to know more about safety resources on Drexel's campus should visit the Department of Public Safety.
Wheeled Transportation
This Policy was created to promote pedestrian safety and to prevent physical damage to interior spaces and exterior surfaces owned and maintained by Drexel University. This list is not exhaustive.
Hoverboards, Electric Scooters, Electric Bikes, and Other Electronic Transportation Devices
The use of hoverboards, electric scooters, and other electronic transportation devices, including but not limited to electric bikes, electric skateboards, and one-wheels is permitted as a means of transportation on public thoroughfares, but is not permitted inside any University building, including Residential Facility bike rooms.
These devices may not be parked, stored, or charged in any University building. These devices may not be parked or stored in a way that blocks building entrances or exits, stairways, or pedestrian walkways, or in any manner that may impede a pathway, ingress, or egress.
A bicycle is a vehicle, and cyclists must obey all traffic laws. Anyone using a bicycle shall do so in a safe manner and always yield the right of way to pedestrians. Bicycles shall be operated at a reasonable, safe, and prudent speed at all times. It is strongly recommended that Students utilize helmets and other safety equipment when operating a bicycle.
Cyclists are required to use designated bike racks for parking. Bicycles may not be parked or stored blocking building entrances or exits, stairways, or pedestrian walkways. Bicycles may not be parked or stored in hallways, stairways, or public areas in University buildings.
Bicycles may not be parked or stored inside any Drexel University building unless the area is specifically designated for such storage. Exceptions can be made for residents of Stiles Alumni Hall; please contact Housing and Residence Life staff for more information.
Non-Electric Skateboards/Skates/Inline Skates/Scooters
The use of skateboards, skates, in-line skates, and scooters is permitted as a means of transportation on public thoroughfares but is not permitted on any Drexel University property, including pathways, ramps, railings, curbs, benches, steps or stairs, and other such structures. The use of skateboards, skates, in-line skates, or scooters is never permitted inside any University building, including Residential Facility bike rooms.
Motorcycles, Motorbikes, and Gas-Powered Motorized Scooters
In accordance with PA Motor Vehicle law, motorcycles, motorbikes, or motorized scooters may not be operated on sidewalks or pedestrian pathways. Motorcycles, motorbikes, or motorized scooters must be parked in designated parking spaces and may not be stored or parked within University buildings, including Residential Facility bike rooms.
Certain exemptions will apply for students with temporary or permanent mobility disabilities. Please contact Disability Resources if your need for a mobility aid or device is not obvious.
Contact Us
30 N. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.