Pharmacology examines and characterizes the action of drugs in humans and animals. It emphasizes the therapeutic responses of drugs, their mechanisms of action, the fate of drugs in the body, potential adverse reactions, and drug-drug interactions. Physiology considers processes that control and regulate the functioning of systems within an intact organism.

Basic physiological processes underlie all fields in biomedical science. Understanding and exploiting the specific actions of drugs can also furnish a way to probe physiological and biochemical processes in both normal and pathological circumstances. Research in pharmacology and physiology provides challenging and exciting opportunities for graduate study.

The Pharmacology and Physiology (PHPH) program offers graduate courses leading to the MS and the PhD. Both degrees require independent research under the direction of faculty members in the department, who are engaged in highly active research programs involving molecular, cellular and behavioral approaches to experimental pharmacology and physiology in a strongly collaborative environment.

Learn more about the curriculum and program requirements

Our Students and Alumni

Welcome to Our First-Year Students

2024 Pharmacology and Physiology program first-year students.
Left to right: Phil Wig, Lynn Baker, Erin Curley and Ravi Moazzam

Hieu Jeromy, Janssen-Drexel 4D Fellow

Meet Janssen-Drexel 4D Fellow Hieu Jeromy

"I moved here to the United States from Vietnam when I was a 10-year-old. I got my undergraduate degree in health sciences from Drexel. During that time, I became interested in pharmacology and physiology because I lost my dad to cancer. He was on so many treatments like chemotherapy, and it made me interested to find out what he was taking. I had wanted to go to medical school, but my perspective changed after I saw how his treatment went." Read more.

Stacia Lewandowski,Drexel Pharmacology and Physiology Program Class of 2021

Meet Stacia Lewandowski, PhD '21

"My initial interest in the Pharmacology and Physiology Department was partly due to their involvement in the Drug Discovery and Development program. I had always wanted to go into biopharma, and the opportunity to take classes in drug discovery was exciting to me. Additionally, a big draw for me was the work that Dr. Ole Mortensen was doing, and after meeting him I knew I wanted to work in his lab." Read more.

Summer Potluck

The Pharmacology & Physiology graduate students held a potluck to celebrate the return to the lab this summer.

Pharmacology and Physiology program students at a potluck, summer 2022.
Pharmacology and Physiology program students at a potluck, summer 2022.
Pharmacology and Physiology program students, 2022-2023.

Student Achievements

2024 Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society Meeting Awards

The 2024 MAPS Annual Meeting was held on November 8 and included a poster competition. In the graduate student poster category, Geena John (Jackson Lab) won first prize.

Discovery Day 2024 Winners

Congratulations to the following Pharmacology & Physiology program students for their awards at Discovery Day: Katelyn Reeb (Bondi Fellowship); Oluwatofunmi Oteju (Outstanding Senior Graduate Student Poster Honorable Mention); and Jason Wickman (Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellows Poster 2nd Place). View photo gallery.

Recent Thesis Defenses

We congratulate the following master’s and PhD students from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies on the successful defense of their theses. Read more.

2024 AY Dean’s Fellowship for Excellence in Collaborative or Themed Research

The Graduate School is excited to announce this year’s recipients of the Dean’s Fellowship for Excellence in Collaborative or Themed Research. This fellowship is designed to support PhD-Track students with innovative research projects to further develop their research experience. These students will receive financial support for twelve months in the form of a scholarship in addition to funds for supplies or conference attendance. Please join us in congratulating the following student on this achievement: Deepa Reddy, PhD candidate, Pharmacology and Physiology program, mentored by Dr. Ajit.

Congratulations Sim, Tofunmi and Geena

Simran Gill (A. Mortensen lab) and Tofunmi Oteju (Gaskill lab) were chosen to give oral presentations and Geena John (Jackson lab) won best graduate student poster award at the PCSFN ( meeting. View photos.

Dean’s Travel Award

Congratulations to Deepa Reddy, recipient of the Dean’s Travel Award for the spring 2024 award cycle. Reddy is a PhD candidate in the Pharmacology & Physiology program. The Dean’s Travel Award is meant to partially defray the cost of attending a scientific meeting at which a graduate student is making a presentation, that is related to the student’s graduate study.

2024 Winter Conference on Brain Research (Winter Brain) Photo Gallery

Drexel Pharmacology and Physiology students at the 2024 Winter Conference on Brain Research.
Drexel Pharmacology and Physiology students at the 2024 Winter Conference on Brain Research.
Drexel Pharmacology and Physiology students at the 2024 Winter Conference on Brain Research.

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Read more student achievements.

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