Spinal Cord Research Center Field of Interest - Robotics and BMI/BCI

Brain-machine interface (BMI), brain-computer interface (BCI) and neuroprosthetic systems explored in the group are all invasive systems in rodents, except TDCS work in the Côté Lab. 3D systems/Sensable Phantom robots are used and couple with fixed latency controls with under 5ms delay to neural activity using custom real-time operating systems (RTOS). These allow BMI adaptation and BMI control experiments in the rodent (e.g., Song and Giszter, J Neuroscience, 2011, Song et al., Front. Sys. Neurosci. ,2015), and robot adaptation and rehabilitation experiments (Udoekwere, Oza and Giszter, J Neuroscience, 2016; Oza and Giszter, J Neuroscience, 2015). Finally, robot-driven epidural stimulation is possible (Hsieh and Giszter, 2011).

Related Faculty

  • Simon Giszter, PhD

    Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
    Research Interests: Spinal cord organization, modularity, motor primitives, control of limb biomechanics, brain machine interface (BMI), comparative motor physiology, corticospinal functions, electromyography, motor control, motor cortex, neuroengineering, neuroprosthetics, neurorobotics, neurobiology, neurorehabilitation, reflex behaviors, rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, systems neurobiology, theoretical and computational neuroscience, trunk/axial controls