Drexel Learn
Drexel Learn is the university's fully-supported learning management system (LMS). Learn is managed by Drexel University Information Technology and is fully integrated with the DrexelOne portal and the Banner Student Information System (SIS). All course sections are created in Drexel Learn each term and are freely available for faculty to activate and use. Enrollment data is automatically fed in, making this an easy-to-use solution for faculty to engage their students.

Course Management Tools
- Assignments - a secure location for students to submit work
- Content Editor - add and format text, insert equations, hyperlinks, tables, and images
- Discussion Board - allow members of the class to communicate asynchronously with one another
- Grade Center - centralized area for grading, tracking student progress, and generating reports
- Tests - assess student knowledge and measure progress
Integrated with Learn
- Ally - automatically generate alternate formats of content and provides feedback to faculty about the accessibility of their course content
- Analytics for Learn - reports that provide data about engagement metrics as compared to course outcomes; can be used to detect at-risk students
- Collaborate - a synchronous, virtual classroom that features multi-way audio/video, upload of PowerPoint presentations, application sharing, polling, and more
- Kaltura/Drexel Streams - streaming media system that allows for integration of videos, with quizzing, in to a course
- Turnitin - check students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism
- Respondus - easily import quiz questions and answers into Learn, secure the online testing environment and create learning objects
- VoiceThread - allow users to create presentations, add audio and/or video narration and allow others to comment on them
To access the system, go to the Drexel Learn sign-in page at: learn.drexel.edu. If you have official Drexel credentials that you use to log in to DrexelOne, choose "Sign In with Drexel Connect." If you do not have a Drexel account, but have been granted access to Learn, choose "I Don’t Have a Drexel Account" and log in with the credentials you were provided.
Supported Browsers
The latest version of all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari) work with Drexel Learn.
There can be differences in the ways that individual browsers behave and render content, so it is recommended to have at least two browsers available in case issues arise. More information about supported browsers is available on Blackboard's Help site.
The Instructional Technology Group offers multiple training sessions every month. You can view our Workshops and Presentations page to see all of the latest dates and times.