Learn Ultra
Drexel Learn is running Ultra Base Navigation, which allows both Ultra Courses and Original Courses to be run within the same system. This interface focuses on responsive design, allowing for a more seamless experience across devices, including computers, tablets, and phones.
Ultra Courses
Ultra Courses represent a new, modern take on the course experience within Drexel Learn. Many tools have been reimagined, improved, and streamlined to provide a better experience for both instructors and for students. Since the structure of these courses represents a new course design paradigm, it is strongly recommended that instructors build their courses fresh, rather than migrating from Original Courses, in order to provide the highest experiences to students. Ultra Courses are an option instructors can use within Drexel Learn; there are no plans to eliminate the use of Original Courses from Drexel Learn.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
Faculty Sandboxes
Instructors can gain access to an Ultra Course sandbox in order to start designing and building their content. Instructors must first attend a Learn Ultra Basics workshop (see below) in order to be granted their own Ultra Course sandbox.
Banner Courses
Beginning in Spring Quarter/Summer Semester 2023-24 (subject to change), official courses can be run as either an Ultra Course or an Original Course. Note: Some colleges/departments may have their own procedures and timelines for when their courses can be run as Ultra Courses.
In order to have a Banner course created as an Ultra Course in Drexel Learn, department schedulers will first need designate the course as such in CLSS. This field needs to be set BEFORE courses are created in BBLearn (10 weeks prior to the start of a quarter; 12 weeks prior to the start of a semester). The field may be updated in CLSS after this time-frame, but the scheduler or instructor must notify ITG in order to have the existing Original course deleted from Drexel Learn so that an Ultra course may be created in its stead.
To update the field for a course section, simply open the section in CLSS Section Editor and indicate the desired Integration Partner in the Integ. Partner drop-down (Classic Learn, Ultra Learn, No Online Shell Needed) before clicking "Save Section." Department schedulers who have questions about this process can contact the Registrar's Office by emailing opermail@drexel.edu.
Please note, any course flagged as No Online Shell Needed will still have an Original Course created within Drexel Learn through integration. This is so faculty can use tools that are only available within the LMS, such as the new Initial Course Participation Tool. Courses can be flagged as No Online Shell Needed so that more accurate metrics around LMS utilization can be captured and reported.
Faculty can see upcoming dates for the following workshops and can register for a session in Career Pathway.
Learn Ultra Basics provides instructors detailed information covering everything they will need to know to start building their Ultra courses.
Learn Ultra Advanced provides instructors a deep dive on topics such as tests, assignments, discussions, progress tracking, and more within their Ultra courses.
Learn Ultra Gradebook teaches instructors how to best manage their Gradebook within their Ultra courses. This session covers features such as column management, grading schemas, grade calculations, and final grade submission.