Backup and Restore Services

Faculty and professional staff spend countless hours on computers creating documents, graphics, databases, and more. The loss of these documents can set back an academic or professional career and disrupt office operations. To protect against failing computer parts, defective or malicious software, accidental deletion, or errant overwriting, important documents should be backed up.

CrashPlan is an automatic, tamper-proof backup solution designed to backup laptop and desktop data and allow users to restore data from different points in time and from any computer. Drexel offers CrashPlan Enterprise for institutionally-owned computers.

University-Owned Computers

To help avoid an unfortunate loss of university data and information, Drexel offers the CrashPlan Enterprise backup service. CrashPlan operates transparently. Backups happen continuously and have little impact on performance. Self-serve file recovery brings users back to productivity quickly and independent of any assistance.

The cost of the service is $76 per year per user for up to four computers with no limit to the number of files or size of the backup.

To order the CrashPlan backup service for a university-owned computer, sign in to the Remedyforce Help Request System and select CrashPlan Licensing Request. On that form, a supervisor can provide information about the user to subscribe, and also include the Drexel Cost Center to charge the annual subscription to. Once the user is subscribed, they can install the software from Software Center or Self Service for macOS on their Drexel-owned computer.

Restoring Data

CrashPlan allows you to easily restore files from your computer or the CrashPlan website. You can restore the most recent version of a file or any of the older versions backed up alongside it.

If you get a new computer, you can use CrashPlan to load files from your previous computer. In the event of a hard drive failure, contact the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020, and we will assist you with restoring your files.


Review the CrashPlan FAQ for more information on the CrashPlan service for university-owned computers.