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View and Print W-2 Forms

All employees who have elected to receive their W-2 Wage and Tax Statement electronically are able to access the form via DrexelOne. Follow these steps to access the form:

  • Access the Employee Tab in DrexelOne.
  • Under Employee Information, select "Tax Forms."
  • From the Tax Forms menu, select "W-2 Wage and Tax Statement."
  • On the Select W-2 page, choose the applicable tax year and employer, then click Display.
    • Note: If the most recent tax year is not in the drop-down list, W-2s for that year are not available yet. W-2s will be made available for a tax year no later than Jan. 31 of the following year.
  • The form displayed is an unofficial summary of your W-2. This page may be used to quickly access taxable wages, taxes withheld and other W-2 information. However, this page does not print an official IRS approved substitute form format.
  • To print an official, IRS-approved W-2 form, click "Printable W-2" at the bottom of the page.
  • An official version of the W-2 form will be displayed. This form meets IRS guidelines for substitute forms and may be used for all tax filing purposes.