Employee getting their blood pressure checked

Health and Welfare Benefits

Drexel University is committed to providing high-quality health benefits to benefit-eligible full-time and part-time faculty and professional staff. As a subsidized benefit, these plans require an employee contribution. All employee contributions are made through payroll deductions on a pre-tax basis. 

Important for 2025: New Member ID Cards and ID Numbers for Participants in Drexel's Medical/Rx and Vision Plans

Due to a change in the IBX member platform for all customers effective Jan. 1, 2025, all enrolled participants (you and your family members) in the Drexel medical/Rx and vision plans will receive new ID cards that contain a new member ID and account numbers. Former member ID cards and numbers will become invalid and unusable effective Jan. 1, 2025. This adjustment is very different than in prior years when you received new member cards; the member numbers are different this year due to the change in IBX’s system-wide platform. To avoid any disruption to your medical or pharmacy services on or after Jan. 1, you will need to present the new card(s) the first time you visit all doctors and specialists, or fill a prescription. Review IBX's helpful PDF flyer for more information on how to navigate accessing your new ID card and numbers digitally.



Helpful Resources

Medical Plan Resources

Medical Coverage

Prescription Drug Coverage

Medical/Prescription Coverage Waiver Credit

J-1 Scholar Medical Plan Options

Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA)

Point of Service (POS) Plan(s)

Searching for Participating Providers


Dental Coverage


Vision Coverage

Davis Vision