Graduate College Resources

Students talking at Graduate College event

The Graduate College is committed to graduate education and graduate student success through start-to-finish support, programs and services. Collaborating with academic units and student service offices across the University, the Graduate College supports graduate students through the lifecycle of their Drexel experience.

The Graduate College is located on the third floor of Main Building, where it provides a small lounge and study area as well as complimentary tea and coffee for graduate students.

Within the Graduate College website you will find many resources available to graduate students through the Graduate College including, but not limited to:

The Graduate College with campus partners also produces a Community Guide to Drexel and Philadelphia [PDF] to assist new students in navigating academic, professional, cultural, religious, and personal resources to help them navigate their graduate study and life at Drexel and in Philadelphia.

To follow Graduate College updates and graduate student achievements and stories please follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the DrexelNow Graduate Student Edition monthly e-newsletter. Please email the Graduate College at or call at 215.895.0366 with any questions.