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DrexelNow editions
Faculty/Professional Staff DrexelNow: An email delivered every Tuesday and Thursday filled with notable news, personnel announcement and events of interest to those employed by Drexel.
Student DrexelNow: A weekly preview of what's happening on campus and news and deadlines related to student life.
Graduate Student DrexelNow: A monthly summary of news and opportunities curated to help advanced students succeed in their academic careers.
Drexel Parents and Families DrexelNow: A monthly compilation of news and information to support the families of students.
Alumnus/ae: Sign up to receive the faculty/staff email delivered every Tuesday and Thursday filled with University news, personnel announcements and events.

Drexel News Report
A daily report delivered Monday through Friday that captures mentions of Drexel in the news media as well as articles of interest about higher education.
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