2020 Research Poster Presentations

poster presenter image

Research poster presentations and judging took place asynchronously over the two-day conference Wednesday, April 22 & Thursday, April 23, 2020. Guests were able to browse poster presentations on Padlet. Each presenter provided a digital poster and a 3-5 minute overview of their research and experience via audio recording.

Questions? Contact graduatecollege@drexel.edu.

See 2020 Award Recipients

Research Poster Presentations

Poster #1
Sophie Abber
MS Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Taking A Closer Look: Reviewing the Validity and Utility of Subtyping Across Dietary and Dietary-Affective Dimensions in Binge-Eating

Poster #3
Amal Alanazi
PhD Program, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Investigating the Accuracy of Student Self-Assessment on Muddiest Point Questions in General Chemistry Courses

Poster #4
Asma Altasan
PhD Program, Nutrition Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions
The Correlation between Inflammatory Cytokines and Calciotropic Hormones in South Asian and Caucasian Men

Poster #5
Anton Anikin
PhD Program, Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Temperature Hysteresis of Resistivity in 1T-TiSe2 in Charge Density Wave State

Poster #6
Sara Beenders
DPT Program, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions
A Prospective, One-Year, Cohort Study of Motor Function in Individuals with HNRNPH2-Related Disorders

Poster #7
Thu Bui
MS Program, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine
Stop the Clock: The Impact of Parental Time and Money on NICU Child Neurodevelopment

Poster #8
Christian Cabuslay
PhD Program, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Coevolution of Cephalotes ants and their gut bacteria

Poster #11
Shraddha Damaraju
MD/MPH, College of Medicine
Community-Driven Solutions to Global Challenges: Naloxone Distribution in Philadelphia Communities

Poster #12
Rosemary DeLuccia
PhD Program, Nutrition Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions
Influence of Osteocalcin on Body Composition in Healthy Adults

Poster #14
Kathlyn Elliott
PhD Program, Educational Leadership and Policy, School of Education
PISA Reading Scores of Native Born and Immigrant Youth: Hong Kong, Sweden, and USA

Poster #15
Fan Yiyun
PhD Program, Educational Leadership and Policy, School of Education
Anatomical Education Using Augmented Reality: A Mixed-Methods Study on Cognitive Load, Transfer of Learning, and User Experience

Poster #16
Christopher Fornaro
PhD Program, STEM Education, School of Education
Increasing Instructor Confidence in Competitive Out of School STEM Programming

Poster #17
Samantha Giancarli
PhD Program, Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Exploring Metabolic Allometry in Birds: A Phylogenetic Approach

Poster #18
Guillermo Ibarrola Recalde
PhD Program, STEM Education, School of Education
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change and Environmental Context-Based POGIL Activities on Student Performance

Poster #19
Alexandra Kelly
PhD, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Features of Emotion Concepts

Poster #20
Jenna Kiely
MS Program, Pscychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Examining Sex Differences in Socioemotional Development Among First and Second Graders in Philadelphia Public Schools

Poster #21
Andrew Lindsay
PhD Program, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Impacts of Wildfire Smoke on Ozone Pollution and Photochemistry in Rural Idaho

Poster #22
John-Paul Marrazzo
PhD Program, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Michael! Are You Playing with Isocyanides?

Poster #23
Angela Mastrianni
PhD Program, Information Science, College of Computing and Informatics
Understanding the Effects of Teamwork on Digital Checklist Use

Poster #24
Ashni Nadgauda
MD/MPH Program, Epidemiology, Dornsife School of Public Health
Factors Affecting Incidence and Seeking of Treatment for Psychiatric Illness in Pregnant Women

Poster #25
Grace Newman-Lapinski
MS Program, Design Research, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Makerspaces: A Solution to the Gender Gap in STEM Fields?

Poster #26
Hayley O'Donnell
PhD Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Learning Preferences as an Index of Individual Differences in Cognitive Flexibility

Poster #27
Yongtaek Oh
PhD Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
EEG Investigation of Reward-related Activity for Insight vs. Monetary rewards

Poster #29
Ashley Roman Burgos
MS Program, Design Research, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Waiting times for public services and stress relationships in single parents

Poster #31
William Rutkowski
MS Program, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine
Assessment of Neuropsychiatric Distress in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Poster #32
Gabrielle Salib
PhD Program, Information Science, College of Computing and Informatics
Understanding How Emerging Adults Utilize their Online Communities When Acclimating to a New Geographic Location

Poster #33
Donna Sandfort
EdD Program, Educational Leadership and Management, School of Education
Medical Student Stress and Wellness Programs: An Explanatory, Sequential, Mixed Methods Study

Poster #35
Maya Showell
MS Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
The Effects of Disease Severity and Age on Quality of Life on Multiple Sclerosis

Poster #36
Navy Spiecker
MS Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Pregnancy Loss: Impact of Relationship Status on Depression

Poster #37
Kimberly Sterin
PhD Program, Educational Leadership and Policy, School of Education
The Real Price of the Extracurricular Activities Fee: Participation Rates for Urban Youth

Poster #38
Aislinn Tansey
MS Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Dusky Prong Failure in Misdemeanor Defendants: The Role of Diagnosis and Interference from Symptoms

Poster #39
Van Truong
EdD Program, Educational Leadership and Management, School of Education
Bridging the Gap Between Urban Adolescent Females of Color and STEM: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

Poster #40
Taha ValizadehAslani
PhD Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Using Machine Learning for Predicting Antimicrobial Resistance

Poster #42
Zhengqiao Zhao
PhD Program, Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering
Genetic Grouping of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Sequences using Informative Subtype Markers (ISM) for Pandemic Spread Visualization

Poster #43
Zhu Xinyi
MS Program, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Mental Preparation Predicts Insight

Research Poster Judges

Sumanth Addagarla Manager, Special Projects Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics College of Engineering
Karen Archey-Roach Senior Strategic Partnership Liaison Drexel University Online
Jay Bhatt Engineering Liaison, Scholarly Communications Drexel University Libraries
Ellie Cantor Drexel Alumni, PhD '79 Pharmacology and Physiology College of Medicine
Lisa Chiarello Professor Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences College of Nursing and Health Professions
Sean Chung Vice President, Online Learning Drexel University Online
Kimberly David-Chung Assistant Vice President, Virtual Student Experience Drexel University Online, Graduate College, Student Life
Lenora Dieyi Senior Manufacturing Scientist Chemical & Biological Engineering, Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering College of Engineering
Michelle Dolinski Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Grad Education Department of Physics College of Arts and Sciences
Kimberly Garcia Assistant Clinical Professor, Director of the PMHNP Program Department of Advanced Practice Nursing College of Nursing and Health Professions
Alex Geisinger Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Research, Professor of Law Law Kline School of Law
Swathi Jagannath PhD Candidate Information Science College of Computing and Informatics
Jovan Jovicic Drexel Alumni, PhD '02 Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
David Kim Administrative Coordinator Graduate College  
Tsz Kwok Drexel Alumni, Associate Director and Adjunct Professor Graduate College Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Ipsita Mohanty Postdoctoral Research Fellow Pharmacology and Physiology College of Medicine
Diana Nicholas Assistant Professor Architecture, Design and Urbansim Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Bency Oonnoonny Assistant Director, Strategic Partnerships Drexel University Online Goodwin College of Professional Studies
Maqbool Patel Drexel Alumni, PhD, CTO Innovazones Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering
Kavitha Penugonda Assistant Clinical Professor Nutrition Sciences College of Nursing and Health Professions
Karen Anne Riley Drexel Alumni, PhD Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering
Aaron Sakulich Drexel Alumni, PhD '10 Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
Patricia Shewokis Professor Nutrition Sciences, Biomedical Engineering College of Nursing and Health Professions, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Arun Kumar Soma Postdoctoral Fellow Physics College of Arts and Sciences
Michael Stichter Drexel Alumni, PhD '16 Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics College of Engineering
Deeptha Sukumar Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences College of Nursing and Health Professions
Lubens Thermitus Strategic Partnership Liaison Drexel University Online
John Wiggins Director of Self-Directed Learner Information Services and Quality Improvement
Drexel University Libraries