Updating LinkedIn When You're In-Between Jobs

Posted on August 3, 2016
Image of a LinkedIn Profile

According to LinkedIn, it has over 433 million users. For those of you on LinkedIn, which I hope is all of you, the networking platform continually encourages its users to complete their profiles. What LinkedIn doesn’t do, can’t do, is remind users to change their profile after they leave one company and start at another.

While it is not advisable to change your LinkedIn profile the day you accept a new job offer or even on the first day, there is an acceptable time period in which you should make that change. A good way to think about it is to align it with the typical 90-day probationary period. Within the first 90 days, you should know if you like the company and if they like you. For some that period may be as short as a couple of weeks, while others may need the full three months.

But I know plenty of people who have failed to update their LinkedIn Profiles six months after they started a new job. In my list of “Connections” there are at least 10 people who have not changed their LinkedIn profile to reflect that change. And in at least two cases, those people have been in new positions for at least two years.

What about those who left a job, but are not currently employed? Those folks might not want their profile to reflect their current employment status, but our Communications Manager, Lauren Cuoco said, “Those people should have the most robust profiles.” She’s right.

Think about the purpose of LinkedIn, it is not like Facebook and other social media sites where you post bits and pieces about your life for your friends to see, etc. LinkedIn is a professional networking site, therefore if your place of employment it not up-to-date, you might lose out on a potential job or confuse people who are looking to learn more about your company or your profession. Headhunters comb through LinkedIn profiles on a daily basis. An out-of-date profile will likely send up red flags.

So if you have changed jobs, please (after an appropriate waiting period) update your LinkedIn Profile. If your current job is up-to-date, still look through your profile to see if you have any additional skills, accomplishments, etc. to add – you never know who is checking you out.

Anne Converse Willkomm
Director, Graduate Studies
Goodwin College, Drexel University
Posted in professional-development-career-tips