Study Abroad Opportunities for First-Year Students

Are you interested in studying abroad but just want to dip your toes in for starters? Drexel has a great opportunity for you to do this. They're called Intensive Courses Abroad, also known as ICAs.
Intensive Courses Abroad are essentially study abroad courses that you can take during Drexel's fall, winter, spring, or summer break periods. They range from about one to two weeks and are taught by Drexel faculty alongside local guest experts. These courses are typically worth three to four college credits.
At Drexel, we really make it a priority to allow our students to gain knowledge across the globe while still earning credits toward their degree.
And guess what? You don't have to wait until your second year to take part in these opportunities. We have a variety of study abroad opportunities for first-year students available for you to take a look at. A few that we are offering our students right now are a Fall Break in Portugal, Winter Break in Denmark, Spring Break in Greece, a Summer Break in Scotland, and more! These are a great way to get started in adding some international experience into your curriculum right from the get-go. You'll also be able to meet new people at Drexel that you may not have met just by attending your typical classes your first year.
Keep in mind that you can do as many Intensive Courses Abroad or study abroad opportunities as fit in your schedule. At Drexel, we really make it a priority to allow our students to gain knowledge across the globe while still earning credits toward their degree.
Remember....not studying abroad is the number one regret of college graduates. So, if you can, do it! And do it early! Consider checking out all of our Intensive Courses Abroad opportunities.
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Philadelphia, PA 19104