Freshman Friendly Intensive Courses Abroad Experience hands-on, global learning through an Intensive Courses Abroad (ICA)! ICAs are study abroad courses taught during Drexel’s Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer break period. ICAs range from 1 to 2 weeks long with some pre and/or post work. ICAs are taught/led by Drexel faculty as well as local guest experts. ICAs are generally worth 3 to 4 Drexel credits. Freshman Friendly Intensive Courses Abroad: Drexel is excited to offer study abroad opportunities to First Year students. Freshmen Friendly ICAs: Are open to First Year matriculated students in all majors. Have no pre-requisite course requirements. Provide First Year students with faculty mentorship and special programming. Fall Break applicants must request to open an application by May 15th. These applications then need to be completed by May 31st. Please see additional directions below Freshman Friendly ICAs Winter Break in Denmark: Addiction, Public Health & Harm Reduction Winter Break in the Netherlands: Project Just(ice) Cities Spring Break in Greece: Cretan Civilizations Spring Break in Italy: Thinking (A)Broad: Exploring Business Culture Spring Break in Spain: Thinking (A)Broad: Exploring Business Culture Spring Break in Sweden & Norway: Scandinavian Perspective on Justice Summer Break in Scotland: Edinburgh Fringe Festival First Year Student ICA Application Instructions First Year students must activate their Drexel email address to apply. Students must email indicating Drexel username and ICA program of choice. Study Abroad will open their ICA application. To complete the application, click “Account Login” at Students must submit the application materials below by the deadlines outlined on the program page. Statement of purpose 1 teacher recommendation Brief interview with Drexel faculty leader (in-person or via phone/skype) Refund Agreement $25 Application Fee $500 Advanced Program Fee Payment (refundable if declined ICA admission)