Never a Dull Moment

It’s been over a month since I started my co-op here at Jacobs Engineering and the time has really flown by. It’s week 7 at Drexel, at least that’s when this is being written, which means midterms are still happening for students who are in classes, keeping them both busy and stressed out. The great thing about being on co-op is that you don’t have to worry about homework or midterms, making weekends much more enjoyable. I have also been learning a lot at Jacobs both about the industry and myself. If you read my last post, you’ll recall that I have been working on a relatively large highway interchange project. While work for that project was relatively steady for the first month, the month of May has been more focused on archiving and organizing files and projects as our office is moving to a different building at the end of the month. Things have been pretty hectic around the building as people are frantically trying to stay on top of their assignments while also organizing and storing their old work to ensure the moving process all goes smoothly. As I said, I am constantly learning more about the industry, becoming more acclimated to the professional engineering environment every day.
I am constantly learning more about the industry, becoming more acclimated to the professional engineering environment every day.
Some other exciting events have happened around campus over the last month; in particular, Greek Week happened successfully. For those who aren't aware of what Greek Week is, it is basically a week of competitions and events across the entire Greek community at Drexel. The week started with a flag football tournament, which I played in for my fraternity. Our team made a surprising run and we ended up finishing in second place for the first time in our history, something that was really exciting for us all. Some other events included Quizzo, an obstacle course, a talent show, and volleyball. It was a really exciting, action-packed week that made me feel a lot more connected to the Greek community.
While trying to balance both the social and professional aspects of my life, I am also taking a business class for my business administration minor on top of it all. Thankfully, BLAW 201 has been nothing but enjoyable for me. The entire class is taught through the Socratic method, with the professor posing questions to the students, prompting us to identify contradictions or lapses in logic until the truth is found. I took a philosophy class in high school similar in form to this class, and I can say that it has been one of the most enjoyable classes I have taken at Drexel.
So I hope through this small glance into my everyday life, you get the sense that there is never a dull moment here at Drexel. We are always busy, always taking on new challenges, and for the most part, we love it.
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