Tutoring is provided for courses in the College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of Medicine's Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, and the Dornsife School of Public Health. Tutoring is also available for select courses to students who participate in CLASS-supported programs. All tutors are trained to help students improve their academic skills while also making strides within their specific course.
This short presentation provides an overview of the process students must take when booking an appointment with a peer academic coach or tutor.
Scheduling Appointments
- Make an appointment today! Log in to DrexelOne using your Drexel user ID and password, then select the Academics tab and follow the link to Accudemia in the Academic Support section.
- Appointments can be made up to 24 hours in advance, for up to two hours per class per day. Once you schedule an appointment, you will receive an email confirming the date and time of your appointment.
- You can view your upcoming appointments by logging in to Accudemia at any time and choosing "Appointments" and then "View All."
Become a Tutor
CLASS is always looking for qualified, motivated tutors. Complete the tutor application.
If you have any questions about the application process that are not answered on the application, please email academicsuccess@drexel.edu or stop by the CLASS office in University City.
Tutoring FAQs
What times are tutoring services available?
Tutors set their schedules in advance, between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., and their hours may change from week to week. Availability of tutoring varies depending on how many tutors are available for the specific course. If you don't see any times that work for you, please email academicsuccess@drexel.edu with your availability and the class for which you're seeking tutoring. We will attempt to find a tutor who is available when you are free. It is important to schedule tutoring in advance, as tutors' schedules can sometimes fill up quickly.
What if I don't see the course for which I want tutoring?
If you don't see the course for which you want tutoring, please email academicsuccess@drexel.edu with your name, contact information, and the course name (including course number and a copy of the syllabus).
What do tutors do?
Tutors primarily help students understand course material. You can review lectures and other material to increase your understanding. The tutor can help you prepare for an upcoming exam, recommend ways to study and give test-taking tips. Tutors will not simply teach class material to you, so be sure to come prepared, having attended class, reviewed your notes, and taken steps to study the material.
How long are the appointments?
You can select the amount of time that you want to meet with the tutor, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Keep in mind that appointments cannot exceed two hours per class per day. Five hours total is the maximum amount of tutoring per week that students can receive.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Tutors can be the most helpful to you if you come prepared. You should bring notes from class, worksheets, textbooks, review books, and anything you want to go over with the tutor.
Where do I meet my tutor?
In University City, in-person appointments are held in Suite 101 at the Academic Resource Center in Korman during CLASS’s open hours. On other campuses (Center City or Queen Lane), in-person appointments are held in public University spaces (libraries, lounges, etc.). If your appointment is scheduled at one of these campuses or at a time when the University City office is closed, please connect with your tutor before your appointment to confirm your meeting location. All online appointments are held via Zoom (a link will be provided).
What if I need to cancel an appointment or I'm running late?
Log in to Accudemia via DrexelOne. Go to Appointments, then "View All" and select the "View List" button. You can cancel or reschedule appointments up to four hours in advance. If you need to cancel an appointment with less than four hours notice, please try to contact your tutor directly and also call 215.895.2294. More than two cancellations with short notice will result in a hold being placed on your account.
If you are running late, please call the office at 215.895.2294. If you are more than 15 minutes late and have not notified the office, we will assume you are not coming, and the tutor has the right to leave.