Training Grant in Spinal Cord Injury (T32)

The Graduate Training Grant in Spinal Cord Injury program (T32) offers a rich and unique training experience in spinal cord injury, research methods and clinical perspectives. The program builds on the long and successful history of spinal cord injury research in the Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center (MM-SCRC) at Drexel.

All graduate students that enroll to pursue spinal cord injury research with faculty in the Neuroscience program, will be automatically enrolled in the T32 training program.

  The goal is to train a new generation of scientists from diverse backgrounds who will take spinal cord research in bold new directions  
Dr. Peter Baas

This advanced training program will provide trainees with the multidisciplinary research skills, an appreciation of the breadth within the field, and the networking and communication skills needed to address shifting challenges in neuroscience and spinal cord injury research and become future leaders.

The research being conducted will prepare students for research across a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary techniques and strategies, including:

  • Neural Regeneration & Plasticity
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Neural Networks & Computational Neuroscience
  • Neural Engineering
  • Rehabilitation & Training
  • Stem Cell Biology & Cellular Repair
  • Gene Therapy

Peter Baas, PhD

Peter Baas, PhD
Director, T32 NIH Spinal Cord Injury Training Program
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy

Marie-Pascale Côté, PhD

Marie-Pascale Côté, PhD
Associate Professor
Co-Director, T32 NIH Spinal Cord Injury Training Program
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy