Medical Science Curriculum Year One During their first year, Master of Science in Medical Science program students take a program of study comparable to the first year of medical school. The curriculum is delivered by the same medical school faculty who present this material in the medical school. Assessments of Medical Science program students are, however, done separately from the medical school assessments. For more information, please see the catalog. Fall Semester Required courses: Medical Biochemistry Medical Physiology I Medical Microanatomy I Medicine & Society Optional*: Medical Immunology I Spring Semester Required courses: Medical Physiology II Medical Microanatomy II Medical Professionalism & Leadership Medical Neuroanatomy Optional*: Medical Immunology II Medical Nutrition Year Two During the second year, Medical Science program students engage in a year-long research experience and additional graduate coursework. They also have the option of pursuing interdisciplinary studies in a graduate major of their choosing. Fall Semester Required courses: Research Seminar I Research in Medical Science Biostatistics Optional*: Medical Pathology I Spring Semester Required courses: Research Seminar II Research in Medical Science II Optional*: Medical Pathology II Please note that you must take the full Medical Science program curriculum, shown in these tables, to qualify for a guaranteed interview with the MD Program. *In order to be considered for the guaranteed interview, students must take the electives marked with an asterisk. Electives Examples of electives include: Ethical Issues in Research Intro to Clinical Trials Scientific Writing and Medical Literature Current Federal Regulatory Issues in Biomedical Research Contemporary Issues in Human Research Protection Designing the Clinical Trial Healthcare in Spanish I Healthcare in Spanish II Biology of Cancer Molecular Genetics Embryology Advanced Human Anatomy Graduate Pharmacology Medical Pathology I Medical Pathology II