Department of Pharmacology & Physiology Secondary and Adjunct Faculty

These secondary and adjunct faculty members complement the skills and expertise of our core, full-time pharmacology and physiology faculty.

Secondary Faculty

Wei Du, MD, MS

Affiliation: Drexel University College of Medicine
Occupation: Professor and Academic Chair of Psychiatry
Interests: Clinical psychiatry

Sandhya Kortagere, PhD

Affiliation: Drexel University College of Medicine
Occupation: Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Interests: Molecular pharmacology and drug discovery

Andrea McCurry, MS

Affiliation: Drexel University College of Medicine
Occupation: Associate Director, ULAR
Interests: Laboratory animal care and supervision

Jennifer Nasser, PhD, RD

Affiliation: Drexel University
Occupation: Associate Professor
Interests: Dopamine-mediated mechanisms for food intake over- and under-consumption in humans; effects of nutrients on memory and cognition in humans

Sonia Navas-Martin, PhD

Affiliation: Drexel University College of Medicine
Occupation: Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Interests: Human hepatitis C virus; coronaviruses

Atom Sarkar, MD, PhD*

Affiliation: Department of Neurosurgery, Global Neurosciences Institute
Occupation: Director - Stereotactic, Functional and Epilepsy Surgery
Interests: Deep Brain Stimulation (Tremor, Pain, Parkinson's Disease), Epilepsy Surgery (Adult and Pediatric), Brain tumors

Daniel V. Schidlow, MD

Affiliation: Drexel University College of Medicine
Occupation: Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Dean Emeritus
Interests: Cystic fibrosis and pulmonary conditions in children

Nathaniel W. Snyder, PhD

Affiliation: Drexel University
Occupation: Assistant Professor
Interests: Autism, pharmacology, analytical chemistry with an emphasis on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)

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Adjunct Faculty

Adeboye Adajare, PhD

Affiliation: Saint Joseph’s University
Occupation: Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Interests: Medicinal chemistry

Vincent Aloyo, PhD

Interests: Serotonin, animal behavior

Gilbert Block, MD, PhD*

Affiliation: Altpep
Occupation: Chief Medical Officer
Interests: Central nervous system disorders and drug development

Elinor H. Cantor, PhD

Affiliation: Consultant
Interests: Pharmacology and consulting

Samuel K. Chacko, DVM, PhD

Affiliation: School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Occupation: Professor Emeritus, Pathobiology
Interests: Pathobiology of smooth muscle, signal transduction, myosin, thin filament-associated protein caldesmon, smooth muscle cell differentiation, translational research

Janet Clark, PhD

Affiliation: National Institute of Mental Health
Occupation: Director for Fellowship Training

Michael Derelanko, PhD

Affiliation: Knoell USA, LLC
Occupation: Senior Toxicologist / EHS Group Leader
Interests: Toxicology

Timi Edeki, MD, PhD*

Affiliation: Bristol Myers Squibb
Occupation: Global Program Lead
Interests: Drug disposition and response; botanical-drug interactions; personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics

Melissa Egbertson, PhD

Affiliation: Self-employed
Occupation: Consultant
Interests: Medicinal chemistry, HIV, pain

Maciej Gasior, MD, PhD*

Affiliation: Marinus Pharma
Occupation: Vice President, Clinical Development
Interests: In vivo neuropsychopharmacology; behavioral pharmacology; addiction; epilepsy; pain

Alessandro Graziano, PhD

Occupation: Adjunct Assistant Professor
Interests: Mechanisms of CNS plasticity, pain after spinal cord injury, chronic pain

Pamela Hornby, PhD

Affiliation: Self-employed
Occupation: Consultant
Interests: Pharmacology and drug discovery

Jay Horrow, MD*

Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Occupation: Clinical Professor, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Interests: Drug discovery; medical pharmacology; neuromuscular blockers

Peter H. Hutson, PhD

Affiliation: Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Occupation: Executive Director
Interests: Neuropharmacology; psychiatric disorders; sleep

Bruce Jones, PhD

Affiliation: Score Pharma
Occupation: President and CEO
Interests: Biologics

Patrick Y. Lam, PhD

Affiliation: Baruch S. Blumberg Institute
Occupation: Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
Interests: Medicinal chemistry and drug development

Michael Liebman, PhD

Affiliation: IPQ Analytics, LLC
Occupation:  President, IPQ
Interests: Informatic technology

Michael J. Marino, PhD

Affiliation: Merck Research Laboratories
Occupation: Scientific Director
Interests: Psychiatric disorders; CNS drug discovery

Eliot Ohlstein, PhD

Affiliation: Personal Therapeutics LLC
Occupation: President & Head, Research and Development
Interests: Drug discovery and development

Patrick Osei-Owusu, PhD

Affiliation: Case Western Reserve University
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Interests: Mechanisms of G-protein signaling regulation in physiological and pathophysiological adaptations of the cardiovascular and renal systems

Jeffrey Paul, PhD

Affiliation: JPharm Consulting
Occupation: Principal
Background: Wyeth, Pfizer
Interests: Clinical pharmacology

MaryAnn Pelleymounter, PhD

Affiliation: NINDS
Occupation: Program Director, Division of Translational Research
Interests: Drug discovery, obesity, translational research

Rajesh Ranganathan, PhD

Affiliation: Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company
Occupation: Vice President & Head, Corporate Development
Interests: Translational science, neurotherapeutics and education

Robert Ring, PhD

Affiliation: Kaerus Bioscience
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer
Background: Wyeth Research, Pfizer
Interests: Autism spectrum disorders research; mood disorders research; drug discovery and development, and neuropeptide research

Sharon Rosenzweig-Lipson, PhD

Affiliation: Life Biosciences
Occupation: Chief Scientific Officer
Interests: Translational medicine; in vivo models; drug discovery

James Samanen, PhD

Affiliation: James Samanen Consulting LLC
Occupation: Consultant
Interests: Drug discovery and development 

David Stone, PhD

Affiliation: Cerevel Therapeutics
Occupation: Vice President, Genetics and Target Identification Interests: Genomics

Michael W. Wood, PhD

Affiliation: MapLight Therapeutics
Occupation: Senior Vice President
Interests: Neuroscience drug discovery, strategic out-licensing and business development

* Physician's practice is independent of Drexel Medicine and Drexel University College of Medicine.

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Elements of a laboratory experiment.