Recent Publications & Abstracts
"Team Based Learning (TBL): Clinical Psychopharmacology"
Du W, Spinner B, Gillean G, Youngman B, and Ahuja A
AADPRT Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., 2014
"Asexuality – The no longer invisible orientation"
Patnaik M, Stanfa C, Varghese C, Kushon D, and Du W
Colloquium of Scholars, Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 2014
"Factors affecting readmissions within 30 Days of discharge in psychiatric patients"
Youngman B, Hicks M, Nader F, Manoharan B, Smith F, and Du W
Colloquium of Scholars, Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 2014
"Comparison of biopsychosocial factors among bariatric patients with and without a significant CDC Trauma Score"
Youngman B, Petrucci R, and Du W
Colloquium of Scholars, Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 2014
“When you hit rock bottom, ketamine to the rescue in treatment refractory depression in elderly population”
Munmun M, Patnaik M, Varghese C, Waldfogel S, and Du W
Case report, APA Annual Meeting, New York, 2014
Additional publications...
"Characteristics of substance use patients in an inner city psychiatric inpatient unit – A chart review"
Mathur N, Bauza P, Ogundeji O, Yilmaz E, Mathur G, Gurmu S, Du W, Kushon D
Colloquium of Scholars, Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 2013
"Integrating psychopharmacology and psychotherapy in mood disorders: bipolar disorder"
Sudak DM and Du W
In Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology. Irismar Oliveira, I.R., Schwartz, T., and Stahl, S.M. Eds. (In press 2013)
"Methadone-induced severe bradycardia"
Du W, and Frost M
ASAM Annual Meeting (submitted 2012)